Broadside Compensation Rolling Model for Plan View Pattern Control in Wide and Heavy Plate Rolling P

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sl604
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On the basis of a 5mplate mill,a 3Drigid-plastic finite element(FE)model was developed to investigate changes of plate plan view patterns during hot rolling process.By analyzing the simulation results of conventional rolling processes,it was found that the plate plan view pattern was closely related to broadside rolling ratio.Then,the prediction models for plate plan view patterns were formulated by nonlinear regressive analysis of the simulation results and modified for high accuracy.Based on these models,the broadside compensation rolling method performing at the last pass of broadside rolling phase was designed to decrease plate end crops.Comparing the plate plan view patterns with and without broadside compensation rolling,reduced plate end crops indicate that the broadside compensation rolling model is effective for plate plan view pattern control. On the basis of a 5 millimeter mill, a 3Drigid-plastic finite element (FE) model was developed to investigate changes of plate plan view patterns during hot rolling process. By analyzing the simulation results of conventional rolling processes, it was found that the plate plan view pattern was closely related to broadside rolling ratio. Chen, the prediction models for plate plan view patterns were formulated by nonlinear regressive analysis of the simulation results and modified for high accuracy.Based on these models, the broadside compensation rolling method performing at the last pass of broadside rolling phase was designed to decrease plate end crops.Comparing the plate plan view patterns with and without broadside compensation rolling, reduced plate end crops indicate that the broadside compensation rolling model is effective for plate plan view pattern control.
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