K-Ar Ages and Pb,Sr Isotopic Characteristics of Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks in Shandong Province,China

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry(English Language Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lili123456li
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28 samples of Cenozoic volcanic rocks collected from Shandong Province have been datedby K-Ar method. They are mainly Neogene with an age range of 4-19 m. y. The basalts fromLinqu and Yishui in west Shandong Province are Miocene and those from Penglai and Qixiain east Shandong Province are Miocene and Pliocene in age. The basalts from Wudi in northShandong Province are Middle-Early Pleistocene in age. In each area the duration of volcaniceruption was estimated at about 2-3 m. y. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, and major elements in most ofthe samples were determined. The isotopic compositions are: ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb——16.92-18.48.~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb——15.30-15.59,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb——37.83-38.54, and (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i——0.70327-0.70632.There are some positive or negative linear correlations between ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb and ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb,Ph isotopes and Pb content, Pb isotopes and Sr isotopes, and Sr isotopes and other elements.The basaltic rocks from east and west Shandong Province have somewhat differences inisotopic composition and element content. The basalts probably are products of multi-stageevolution of the mantle. They have preserved the primary features of the source, althoughthey were influenced, to some extent, by the contamination of crustal materials. They are mainly Neogene with an age range of 4-19 my The basalts from Linqu and Yishui in west Shandong Province are Miocene and those from Penglai and Qixiain east Shandong Province are Miocene and Pliocene in age. The basalts from Wudi in northShandong Province are Middle-Early Pleistocene in age. In each area the duration of volcaniceruption was estimated at about 2-3 my Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, and major elements in most of the samples were determined. The isotopic compositions are: (206) Pb / ~ (204) Pb - 16.92-18.48 ~ 207 Pb / 204 Pb - 15.30 -15.59, ~ (208) Pb / ~ (204) Pb-37.83-38.54, and ~ (87) Sr / ~ (86) Sr) _i ~ 0.70327-0.70632.There are some positive or negative linear correlations between ~ (206) Pb / ~ (204) Pb and ~ (207) Pb / ~ (204) Pb, Ph isotopes and Pb content, Pb isotopes and Sr isotopes, and Sr isotopes and other elements. ast and west Shandong Province have somewhat differences inisotopic composition and element content. The basalts probably are products the multi-stage evolution of the mantle. They have preserved the primary features of the source, althoughthey ​​were influenced, to some extent, by the contamination of crustal materials.
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摘要: 正面双手垫球技术是排球运动的基本技术动作之一,也是体育教学的重点和难点,本文从学生心理素质的培养、正确教学方法的采用及对错误动作的纠正等三个方面出发,论述如何在教学过程中提高学生正面双手垫球的技术。  关键词: 正面双手垫球 心理 方法 纠正    排球运动早在1895年就已经出现,传入我国也将近1个世纪。它开始仅仅只是少数人的一种游戏、娱乐的手段,发展到今天,已成为遍及世界五大洲,为广大