怀柔一向以风景秀丽,城市建筑清新典雅,别具韵味而享有“京郊一枝花”的盛名。耸立在碧水蓝天间的中国科学院太阳能观测站,座落于苍松翠柏中的红螺寺大雄宝殿,矗立在繁华闹市区的购物中心——京北大世界等一个个造型各异气势浩然的建筑,无一不以其独具匠心的魅力,装点着怀柔这座明珠城,而擎起明珠城广厦的人们正是怀建集团的两万铁军。 1996年10月8日,对于怀柔县建筑集团总公司麾下近两万名建设大军来说,这是一个阳光灿烂的日子——经中质协质量保
Huairou has always been famous for its beautiful scenery, fresh and elegant city architecture, and unique charm. The solar observation station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which stands between clear water and blue sky, is located in the main hall of the Hongluosi Temple in the pines and cypresses. It stands in a bustling downtown shopping mall—the Beijing North World and other buildings of various shapes and awe-inspiring styles. Both with its unique charm, decorate the Pearl City of Huairou, and the people lifting the Pearl City Guangsha are the 20,000 Iron Army of the Huaijian Group. On October 8, 1996, for the nearly 20,000 building army under the leadership of Huairou County Construction Group Corporation, this is a sunny day - the quality assurance of the China Quality Association