
来源 :教育发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youyoucao_1
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充分开发人力资源,普遍提高企业职工的技能和技术水平,以满足企业发展所需要的适应全球化、信息化的人才支持,是企业增强市场竞争力,实施企业发展战略的必然抉择。那么,在现阶段,我国企业内的教育培训处在怎样的发展阶段?其内部管理体制及运行机制能否真正适应企业发展的战略需要?各级教育主管部门支持企业教育培训事业发展的政策环境是否完善?尤其是作为企业教育培训基地的培训中心,其地位和作用该如何评价?弄清这些问题将有利于促进我国企业教育培训事业的发展。为此本刊编辑部于4月8日假上海电讯培训中心会议室,召开了由五位上海培训中心主任参加的座谈会。与会代表从多角度分析了目前企业教育培训存在的问题,并从新世纪企业教育培训面临的形势和任务出发,对我国今后一段时期的企业教育培训提出了构想和政策建议。我们相信,他们的精彩发言会对企业教育培训的决策和实践有启迪借鉴意义。参加会议的还有上海市教育科学研究院分部主任马根荣,《教育发展研究》杂志常务副主编黄焱、责任编辑朱云。 It is an inevitable choice for enterprises to enhance their market competitiveness and implement the strategy of enterprise development by fully exploiting human resources and generally raising the skills and technical level of their employees in order to meet the globalization and informational talent support needed by their development. So, at this stage, what is the development stage of the education and training within the enterprises in our country? Can its internal management system and operational mechanism really adapt to the strategic needs of the enterprise development? The educational environment at all levels of education supporting the development of enterprise education and training Is it perfect? ​​Especially as a training center for enterprise education and training base, its status and role of how to evaluate? To understand these issues will help promote the development of China’s enterprise education and training. To this end, the editorial department of our magazine took part in the conference room of Shanghai Telecom Training Center on April 8 and convened a forum attended by five directors of Shanghai Training Center. Participants analyzed the current problems in enterprise education and training from multiple perspectives. Based on the situation and tasks faced by enterprises in education and training in the new century, the participants put forward ideas and policy suggestions for the enterprise education and training in the coming period in our country. We believe their wonderful speeches will have enlightenment for the decision-making and practice of enterprise education and training. Also attending the meeting are Shanghai Institute of Education and Research Director Ma Genrong, “Education Development Research” magazine executive deputy editor Huang Yan, editor in chief Zhu Yun.
摘要水库大坝混凝土防渗墙施工技术混凝土防渗墙是在地面上进行造孔施工,在地基中以泥浆固壁开凿成槽形孔或联锁桩柱孔,回填防渗材料筑成具有防渗性能的地下连续墙。本文针对某水库除险加固工程大坝混凝土防渗墙施工质量控制进行了探讨。  关键词:水库大坝;防渗施工;质量控制  1工程概况  某水库位于深圳开发区,枢纽主要由大坝、开敞式实用堰溢洪道、输水洞、事故洞、一级电站等建筑物组成。水库集雨面积28.68km
摘要:我国城市道路建设发展迅速,新建道路的路基处理工作尤其重要,目前在市政道路软土基处理工程施工中,由于强夯法具有设备简单、节约三材、经济易行且效果明显等优点得到了广泛应用。文中就强夯施工法在城市道路软基处理中的应用进行探讨。  关键词:市政道路;软路基;强夯施工  1、前言  强夯施工处理松软地基于上世纪60年代末提出,通过重锤和落距产生的夯击能量对地基进行加固,用以处理松散沙土、碎石土、粘性土