
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peiyhpyh
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山西吕梁市位于山西省中部西侧,地处吕梁山区。吕梁历史悠久、环境优越、物产丰富。近年来,吕梁市坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,使吕梁的社会经济发展步入了快速发展的轨道。但由于受历史和自然等各方面因素制约,目前吕梁社会经济发展仍相对落后,全市的扶贫开发和经济发展的工作任务仍很艰巨。面对这一形势,吕梁各级各部门在学习借鉴外地一些先进做法的基础上,立足吕梁现有的各项优势,探索了许多独具特色的经济发展之路,吕梁正逐步摆脱贫困,展现出无限的活力和生机。这其中,吕梁打破封闭、走出山门,着力发展外向型经济的思路堪称一大亮点,在中国最大的陆运口岸满洲里开设吕梁窗口的探索和实践则是这一思路的充分体现。为此,记者采访了“在满洲里建立吕梁联络处”这一设想的主要倡导者和践行者之一——中共吕梁市委督察室副主任梁东生先生。就开拓满洲里市场的历程和在满洲里开设吕梁窗口的设想进展情况,梁先生向我们做了详细的介绍,让我们深切感受到了吕梁视野的开阔、开放方式的不断创新,吕梁人、吕梁产品融入国际的渴望和吕梁实施大开放战略的浓厚氛围。 Shanxi Luliang City is located in the central west of Shanxi Province, is located in Luliang Mountain. Luliang has a long history, superior environment, rich products. In recent years, Luliang City insisted on using the scientific concept of development to guide the overall economic and social development so that Luliang’s social and economic development has entered a rapid development track. However, due to historical and natural constraints and other factors, the current social and economic development of Lü Liang is still relatively backward, the city’s poverty alleviation and development and economic development tasks are still arduous. Faced with this situation, all levels of Luliang departments, based on learning from some advanced practices in the field, have explored many unique economic development paths based on the existing advantages of Luliang. Luliang is gradually ridding himself of poverty and showing Out of boundless vitality and vitality. Among them, Luliang break the seal, out of the gate, efforts to develop an export-oriented economy is one of the highlights of the idea, in China’s largest land port in Manchuria opened Luliang window exploration and practice of this idea is fully reflected. To this end, the reporter interviewed “Luliang Liaison Office in Manchuria,” the idea of ​​one of the main advocates and practitioners - Luliang Municipal CPC Committee, deputy director of the inspection room, Mr. Liang Dongsheng. On the development of the market in Manchuria and Luliang window opened in Manchuria, the idea of ​​progress, Mr. Leung made a detailed introduction to us, let us deeply feel the vision of Luliang open, continuous innovation of open ways, Luliang, Luliang products into the international The desire and the strong atmosphere of implementing the grand opening strategy.
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