
来源 :中国石油企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_m_wang
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大连石化深入开展向邹本泽同志学习活动大连石化公司一千万吨蒸馏装置主任邹本泽的事迹在《中国石油企业》杂志等媒体上刊出后,在大连石化公司广大职工中引起热烈反响,广大职工表示,邹本泽的事迹实实在在,精神鼓舞人心。公司上下掀起了一股学习身边榜样,争创一流业绩的热潮。近日,公司党委先后组织各级领导干部、科技人员、团员青年、班组长等不同层面职工召开学习邹本泽座谈会,将邹本泽的工作理念总结概括为牢记责任不辱使命的主人精神;爱岗敬业岗位成才的执着精神;钻研技术勇攻难关的创新精神;精益求精规范管理的严细精神,并在公司内刊、内网上广泛宣传。公司党委书记马平凡指出,要通过大力开展学习中国石油榜样邹本泽的活动,为把大连石化建设成年2000万吨中国石油最大炼油基地和促进企业实现“国内争排头,国际创一流”目标提供强大思想动力。 Dalian Petrochemical to carry out in-depth study activities to Comrade Zou Benze Dalian Petrochemical Company 10 million tons distillation unit director Zou Benze’s deeds in the “China Petroleum Enterprise” magazine and other media published in the Dalian Petrochemical Company employees aroused enthusiastic response, the majority of workers said Zou Benze’s deeds real, inspired by the spirit. The company set off from top to bottom to learn the role model, striving for first-class performance boom. Recently, the party committee of the Company organized organizations of leading cadres, scientific and technological personnel, members of the Youth League and other team leaders at different levels to hold a forum for studying Zou Benze, and summed up Zou Benze’s work philosophy as a master spirit bearing in mind the responsibility of fulfilling its mission. The perseverance of talent, the innovative spirit of studying technology, the strict spirit of standard management, and extensive publicity in the company’s internal and internal networks. Ma Pingfan, secretary of the party committee of the Company, pointed out that through energetically studying the example of PetroChina, Zou Benze provides powerful ideas for building Dalian Petrochemical into the largest refinery base of 20 million tons of PetroChina and promoting the goal of “striving for top domestic competition and achieving world first-class reputation” power.
“一个伟大的经济学家必须同艺术家那样既超然又不被人收买,但有时又如同政治家那样离现实世界非常近。” “A great economist must be both transcendental and uninvite
曾有朋友称赞他“气定神闲”的气质,也有人形容他为学者型老板,家庭之星设计师楼总经理、总设计师黄翔及其设计团队的主要作品有:Mercedes-Benz 4S 中心、漫友文化传播机构