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经济全球化,社会主义市场经济飞速发展,各区域各行业不断合作促进各自的发展。各高校也应适应社会和经济的发展,参与其中,有效利用学校的人力和物质资源通过丰富全民健身服务体系体现知识和自身的价值。构建全民健身服务体系是一项社会系统工程,需要各级党委、政府的高度重视和社会各方面的支持与积极参与。体育运动健身带给社会、带给个人的功效是不容置疑的,高校的体育人力和物质资源是比较丰富的,但现阶段据不完全统计国家对居民的体育需求与经济发展是不呈线型关系的,主要表现是一是全民健身系统不完善、不规整。群众健身基本都依靠自发组织,没有专业的体育辅导人员进行指导,个别健身指导人员年龄偏大,不能保证长期的系统的跟踪服务指导和教授。社会体 Economic globalization has brought about the rapid development of the socialist market economy and the continuous cooperation among various industries in all regions to promote their own development. All colleges and universities should also adapt themselves to the social and economic development and participate in them. Making effective use of the school’s manpower and material resources should reflect knowledge and their own value through enriching the national fitness service system. Building a nationwide fitness service system is a social system project that requires the party committees and governments at all levels to attach great importance to it and supports and actively participates in all aspects of society. Sports Fitness bring to the community, to bring the effectiveness of individuals is beyond doubt, the physical and physical resources of colleges and universities are rich in resources, but at this stage, according to incomplete statistics, the state’s demand for sports and economic development of residents is not linear Relations, the main performance is one of the fitness system is imperfect, irregular. The mass fitness basically relies on spontaneous organization, there is no professional guidance of sports counseling staff, individual fitness instructor older, can not guarantee long-term systematic tracking service guidance and professor. Social body
本文对单纯疱疹病毒潜伏与复发机理、疫苗的研究现状以及它在基因治疗载体方面的应用等 ,就近年来国内外单纯疱疹病毒研究的现状与进展作简要综述
[摘 要] 民族地区职业教育工作担负着民族地区经济发展、社会进步的未来与希望,民族地区职业教育问题是关系到社会稳定发展、民族团结与共荣的重要问题。目前民族地区职业教育存在着生源质量与人才培养质量偏低、人才培养与就业市场要求脱节、对学生的学涯规划及就业指导工作重视不够等问题。需要民族地区职业院校积极采取有效措施,力促生源质量与人才培养质量的良性循环,强化教育的就业为导向作用,强化就业市场意识,着力建