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随着社会的进步与发展,尤其是在高科技迅猛发展并大量运用于各行各业之中的年代,教育的滞后就显得特别突出。教育改革势在必行。素质教育的提出,使我国教育面临一次根本性的改革。职业学校体育教学如何适应素质教育的要求,探索新的教学机制,构筑新的教学模式,已经成为广大体育教师研究的新课题。从学校体育教学的任务来看,它不仅包括增进学生身心健康、增强学生体质,使学生掌握体育基本知识,培养学生体育运动能力和习惯,提高学生运动技术水平,为国家培养体育后备人才的任务,而且担负着全面提高学生的思想道德、心理素质、社会适应能力和分辨是非能力等素质的任务。然而,长期以来由于应试教育观念的束缚和教育评估制度、评估标准的不完善,导致体育教学偏重于运动项目、身体素质等方面的知识传授,将运动成绩和身体 With the progress and development of society, especially in the era of the rapid development of high technology and its extensive application in all walks of life, the lag in education is particularly prominent. Education reform is imperative. The quality education put forward, so that our education is facing a fundamental reform. How to adapt to the requirements of quality education in vocational schools, to explore new teaching mechanisms and to construct new teaching modes has become a new topic for the study of PE teachers. From the mission of physical education in school, it not only includes the task of improving physical and mental health of students, enhancing students’ constitution, enabling students to master the basic knowledge of sports, developing students’ ability and habits of physical exercise, improving students’ skills in sports, and cultivating reserve talents for the country , But also shoulders the task of comprehensively improving students’ ideological and moral qualities, psychological qualities, social adaptability and ability to distinguish between non-capabilities. However, for a long time, due to the restraint of the concept of exam-oriented education and the evaluation system of education, the evaluation standard is imperfect, which leads to the emphasis on physical education teaching of knowledge in sports, physical fitness and other aspects,
据美国《世界石油》杂志1979年2月15日第188卷第3期第97页报导,为422口。 据美国《世界石油》杂志1979年2月15日第188卷第3期第97页报导,为682口。 According to the repor
我院近来收治弓形虫病多系统损害1例,现报告如下。 患者男,34岁。咳嗽,咯痰发热,伴膝肘关节疼痛半年,近加重并出现浮肿、少尿、腰痛,乏力、咽癌、纳差及心悸、气急、胸痛伴