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我院的老院长要求我们在审判工作中一丝不苟,对法律文书严格把关。用他的话说:“搞法院工作是握刀把子的,法律文书,就是要咬文嚼字,一字之差可以杀错人,一字之正可以救人命。”他曾向我们讲述一些很生动,很有启发性的审判小故事,这里我记录三则,介绍给读者,恐也不无裨益: “驰马”伤人与“马驰”伤人致死 从前有一人骑着马跑,伤人致死。打官司写状纸的人把“驰马”两字调写为“马驰”。结果由故意伤人致死罪变为过失伤人致死罪。因为“驰马”主犯是人,是人骑马故意伤人;“马驰”则人只是过失,因马自 The old dean in our hospital asked us to be meticulous in the trial work and to strictly check the legal documents. In his words: “The work of the court is holding the knife, legal documents, is to bite the word, the difference between the word can kill the wrong person, the word can save lives.” He told us about some very vivid, very Inspired trial of a small story, where I record three, introduced to the reader, fear is not without merit: “Chi Ma” wounding and “Ma Chi” wounding dead in the past one person riding a horse, wounding death. Written lawsuits written people who “Chi Ma” is written as “Ma Chi.” The result was intentional wounding crime into negligent wounding. Because “Chi Ma,” the main perpetrator is a man riding wounds deliberately hurt; “Ma Chi” people are only negligent, because of Ma
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虽然已是初冬,但飘飘洒洒的碎雪仍抵不住农四师61团百余名职工的健身热情。每当夕阳西下,这些铁杆健身迷们就会在广场优美的乐曲声中翩翩起舞。 Although it is early winte
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