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一认识梁小斌的诗是在80年代初。那时候,朦胧诗方兴未艾。一个高中毕业回乡的青年,在镇上唯一的文化馆里,在唯一的书店里,后来扩大到所有能攀上的有书的老师、同学、朋友家里,寻找诗歌。他有一本专门用来抄诗的练习本,在几年的时间里,练习本里抄录了大量朦胧诗歌,有北岛的、舒婷的,也有梁小斌的,其中,就包括这首《中国,我的钥匙丢了》。这个青年就是我。90年代末,来到合肥近十年后,我第一次见到梁小斌,一起吃饭、聊天,但具有讽刺意味的是,几个写诗的人,此时已忘记或耻于聊诗。 A knowledge of Liang Xiaobin’s poetry was in the early 1980s. At that time, misty poetry in the ascendant. A young man who graduated from high school was home to the only bookstore in the only cultural center in the town and later expanded to all the able-bodied teachers, classmates and friends who were home to find poetry. He has a practice book devoted to reading poems. During a few years, a great deal of misty poems have been transcribed in the practice books. There are North Island, Shu Ting, and Liang Xiaobin. Among them, “China, I Lost the key ”. This youth is me. In the late 1990s, nearly a decade after coming to Hefei, I first met Liang Xiaobin, eating and chatting together. Ironically, however, several writers of poetry have forgotten or ashamed of chatting at this time.
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沈从文声称 ,他要在《边城》中表现他的乐园构想。他把人物都建立在人性善的基础上。正如批评家刘西谓所说 :“这些可爱的人物 ,各自有一个厚道而简单的灵魂 ,生息在田野晨阳
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