时代的抉择 发展的机遇——兼论我省转型发展

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开栏寄语:随着国家深入实施扩大内需和促进中部崛起战略,国内外产业资本加速向中西部转移,我省将成为新一轮产业布局和产业转移的重点区域。如何在新形势下保持全省经济社会又好又快发展,成为当前需要解决的紧迫问题。在前不久召开的全省经济工作会议上,张宝顺书记强调:“加快转型是实现更长时期、更高水平发展的必由之路,必须坚持在发展中促转型、在转型中谋发展, With the State’s in-depth implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand and promoting the rise of Central China, industrial capital both at home and abroad will accelerate its transfer to the central and western regions, and our province will become a key area for the new round of industrial distribution and industrial transfer. How to maintain sound and rapid economic and social development in the province under the new situation has become an urgent issue that needs to be resolved at present. At a meeting held shortly before the province’s economic work, Secretary Zhang Baoshun emphasized: ”Accelerating the transformation is the only way to achieve a longer period and a higher level of development. We must adhere to promoting transformation in development, seeking development through transformation,
The machinability tests were conducted by using a YD-21 dynamometer on a CA6161A lathe.The experiments were conducted to determine the effect of free-cutting ad