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近年来,外国人庆祝中国春节的热情日趋高涨,无论华人还是老外,见面用中文说“春节好”、“恭喜发财”日益流行。美国、英国等国家政要春节时还向本国和全球的华人拜年,甚至有的国家庆祝春节的活动比我国内还热闹,假期还长,如澳大利亚悉尼今年的春节庆祝活动竟持续21天。期间,北京市旅游局举办的“北京风情舞动悉尼”系列活动给当地带来了不同寻常的新年气氛。乔治大街上,中国京剧、民乐、武术、秧歌、杂技、高跷、服饰表演……格外引人关注。《人民日报》报道说:“在这个南半球的著名海港,传统的中国春节成了今年夏天最流行的时尚。”“北京风情舞动悉尼”总导演李继诚悉尼归来后接受了本刊记者的专访。 In recent years, foreigners’ enthusiasm for celebrating the Chinese Spring Festival has been on the rise. Whether Chinese or foreigners meet in Chinese, they say “Spring Festival is good” and “Kung Hei Fat Choi” is becoming increasingly popular. In the Spring Festival, the United States, Britain and other countries also pay homage to the Chinese and overseas Chinese. Even some countries celebrate the Spring Festival more than the rest of China. They also have long holidays. For example, Sydney, Australia celebrated the Spring Festival this year for 21 days. During the series, “Beijing Style Dancing Sydney” organized by Tourism Bureau of Beijing brought an unusual New Year’s atmosphere to the locality. George Street, the Chinese Peking Opera, folk music, martial arts, Yangko, acrobatics, stilts, costumes ... ... especially cause for concern. The People’s Daily reported: “In this famous seaport in the southern hemisphere, the traditional Chinese Spring Festival has become the most popular fashion of the summer.” Li Jicheng, director of Beijing Style Dancing Sydney, accepted an exclusive interview with our correspondents after returning from Sydney.
在那段日子里,人们没有太多的抱怨,生活一如既往地进行着, 没人关心这奄奄一息的王朝还能撑多久…… During those days, people did not complain too much, life went on
在中法文化年落幕之际,文化部部长孙家正接受专访,就文化年的重要意义及成功经验等问题回答了记者提问。 At the closing of the Sino-French Culture Year, Minister of Cu
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第一天上班,我就遭到了一位叫凯妮的女同事的批评,她说我接电话的时候声音不够动听,还说我的脸上没有笑容。我知道凯妮在这家公司工作两年多了,她有着像著 On the first day