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在《邓小平文选》第三卷中,邓小平同志语重心长地、反复地强调:党的基本路线要长期坚持下去,不能改变,不能动摇;谁要改变,人民不答应,人民就会把他打倒。立场之坚定,态度之鲜明,语言之明确和肯定,使我们不能不认真严肃地加以思考。我认为,这是他老人家对我们全党和全国人民最重要的政治交待。我们学习《邓小平文选》第三卷,一定要紧紧抓住这个要点,深入领会,提高贯彻执行党的基本路线的自觉性、坚定性。在《邓小平文选》第三卷中,作为全书纲领和总结的《在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点》,第一部分集中讲的就是“基本路线要管一百年,动摇不得。”并且强调地说:“这一点,我讲过几次。”通读全书,这个问题确实是反复讲,尤其是在关键时刻,总是及时而明确地加以强调。我们不妨简单作一历史回顾。一、1983年至1984年:党的基本路线确定的初期1978年底党的十一届三中全会果断抛弃“以阶级斗争为纲”的“左”的指导方针,把党和国家工作的中心转移到经济建设上来。这是政治路线的拨乱反正。在确定中心工作转移的同时,作出实行改革开放的伟大决策。并针对拨乱反正过程中出现的错误思潮,旗帜鲜明地强调要坚持四项基本原则。这样,“一个中心,两个基本点”的思想开始形成,奠定了新时期党的基本路线的基础。但是,这条路线和一系列方针、政策正确不正确?会不会改变?能不能够坚持下去?当时,无论国内 In the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping,” Deng Xiaoping emphasized in his earnest speech repeatedly: The party’s basic line needs to be maintained for a long time and can not be changed and can not be shaken. Whoever wants to change and the people do not agree, the people will overthrow him. A firm stance, a clear-cut attitude and a clear and affirmative language make us unable to think seriously and seriously. In my opinion, this is the most important political account of his elderly people for our entire party and the people throughout the country. When we study the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping,” we must firmly seize this important point, deeply understand and enhance the consciousness and firmness in implementing and implementing the party’s basic line. In the third volume of “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping,” as the outline of the whole book and the summary of the key points of the talks in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai, the first part focused on “the basic line must be controlled for a hundred years and shaken . ”And emphasizes: “ This point, I have said several times. ”Read through the book, this issue is indeed repeated, especially at the crucial moment, always promptly and explicitly emphasized. We can simply make a historical review. I. From 1983 to 1984: The Initial Determination of the Basic Line of the Party The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party at the end of 1978 resolutely abandoned the “Leftist” principle of “class struggle as the key link” and put the party and the state The center of work shifted to economic construction. This is the order of the political line anyway. While confirming the transfer of central work, we will make great decisions to implement the policy of reform and opening up. In response to the mistaken ideological trend appearing in the course of disarming the masses, the banner clearly stressed the need to uphold the four cardinal principles. In this way, the thinking of “one center and two basic points” began to form and laid the foundation for the party’s basic line in the new period. However, this line and a series of guidelines and policies correct incorrect? Will not change? Can not persist? At that time, regardless of domestic