Fluid flow and mineralization of Youjiang Basin in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi area, China

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeroorhero
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Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronol-ogy, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicifica-tion. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedi-mentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow. Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronol -ogy, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas , suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicifica- tion. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedi-mentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.
一  青砖黑瓦  石块路面  历史的风尘掠過  往日的威严  雄霸一方的气势  在岁月的洗礼下  消失殆尽  门庭若市,百年前的光景  几个行人,几辆车子  碾压成  眼前  门可罗雀的模样  二  庭院深深  锁住多少女子的清秋  一份养姑田  绽放着带刺的玫瑰  娇艳,香飘四溢的背后  刺痛多少姑子的心脏  一个封建王朝的背影  从此尘埃落定  三  故事,逐渐开始明晰  历史的迷雾过后  一
【摘 要】吴冠中素描作品的构图特色,其形式美感来源于中西方审美理念结合之后的自由挥洒;用线与用色多呈现韵律的构建;讲究整体印象的传达;笔法自由,为表现而生笔法,不拘一格。  【关键词】吴冠中;素描;形式美  吴冠中的绘画作品追求中国文人画讲究的意境和韵味,表现手法却不拘泥于传统国画笔法和布局,用线和用色之上颇有现代抽象主义之风。其作品在形式美表达之上具有强烈的视觉特色。对于素描(速写),吴冠中的
看海  沙滩上,你铿锵的  脚印。试着走向远方  潮涨了,又落  不留下一点蛛丝马迹  我不是神探,也没有  窥探天机的能力。  遥望,远去的潮水,  黯然神伤  海,是长在  心底的思念  随着彼此的距离  蔓延,繁衍  超出了双眼  看!海,蔚蓝色的孤单。  怅然若失的夜晚  海鸟诉说着:  只有在灯火阑珊处  一切,才会一目了然  星星与眼睛  最后一晚了  终于是最后一晚了  天上的星星,