Legal anti-corruption refers to the abuse of public power and even the root of alienation corruption. Corruption is a topic of great concern to everyone. But economists, sociologists, political scientists and jurists up to now No one can speak particularly clearly. Do not know how the legal profession on the definition of corruption? Liu Feng Branch: Corruption refers to the corruption of power, mainly the corruption of public power. Legal anti-corruption is against the public power abuse and even alienation. In order to prevent the alienation of public power, there should be officials, entrepreneurs and celebrities who have “lost their horses in the new year of the horse.” The reasons for their fall are different. But one of the things that is hated by the world is corruption. Corruption is a plague spreading around the world, except in some countries where problems are more serious and in some countries less obvious illnesses are evident. One of the non-governmental organizations that are responsible for combating corrupt practices worldwide, Transparency International, recently published a “Corruption Perception Index” in which the most corrupt countries are some economically less developed countries; similarly, in some democracies The countries that are threatened and corrupted are also on the decline, and the cleanest are often