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我和王兆乾相识虽有四十多年,但身处两地,直接接触不多,似在了解与不了解之间。这是一。 我们虽同在文艺界,但所处环境不同。他即使身处逆境仍在学海艺林之中拼搏,而我则经常为行政事务所困扰,对他的研究是处于似懂非懂之间。这是二。 更重要的是,他对弘扬皖江文化所做出的多方面贡献,不仅为国内外众多专家学者所肯定,博得了群众的赞扬,而且其成果已载入历史文献。要说也只是重复而已。这是三。 思之再三,还是按照文艺创作规律办事,就我了解的、熟悉的、感受最深的说几句。题目就叫(六识王兆乾) (一) 初识王兆乾是在五十年代初期。我是通过《柳树井》这出戏才知道安庆有个王兆乾。当时,我在治淮文工团工作。为了向民族民间文艺学习,我团特派李琦带领一个小组由蚌埠到合肥、安庆学习黄梅戏。后又派我到安庆了解该组学习情况,并考察黄梅戏的沿革和发展前景。在安庆有幸观摩了严凤英主演的《柳树井》,我震惊了!原来我省拥有这样的剧种!拥有这样的演员!严凤英在台上倾情哭唱,我们在台下流泪不止,台上台下交融一片。这出戏的震撼力在很大程度上应归功于严凤英的演唱艺术。后来才知道这出戏的音乐是在黄梅戏曲调基础上为了适应现代观剧情和人物的需要,经过整理、加工、改编而创作的,而戏的作曲者就是 Although I have known for more than 40 years with Wang Zhaogang, I am in direct contact with both places without any direct contact. I think it is between understanding and ignorance. this is one. Although we are in the literary and art circles, we are in a different environment. Even though he was still in adversity, he was still working hard in Haiyi Lin, and I was often troubled by administrative affairs. His research was at a loss to understand. This is two. More importantly, his many contributions to carrying forward the culture of Wanjiang River have not only been affirmed by many experts and scholars both at home and abroad, but have won praises from the masses, and his achievements have been incorporated into historical documents. To say it is only repeated. This is three. Think again and again, or in accordance with the law of literary and artistic creation of services, as I understand, familiar, the deepest feelings to say a few words. The title is called (six know Wang Zhaogan) (A) acquaintance Wang Zhaogang is in the early fifties. I was through the “Willow Tree Well” this play to know that Anqing Wang Zhaogan. At that time, I work in the management of the Huai Wen Gong Tuan. In order to learn from the folklore of our country, I dispatched a delegation led by Li Qi from Bengbu to Hefei and Anqing to study the Huangmei opera. Later, he sent me to Anqing to learn about the group’s learning and to investigate the history and development prospects of the Huangmei opera. In Anqing had the honor to watch the starring Yan Fengying “Willow tree well”, I was shocked! Originally, our province has such a drama! With such an actor! Yan Fengying on stage crying, we burst into tears at the stage, the stage blend one slice. The power of the play is largely due to Yan Fengying’s singing art. Later learned that the play’s music is based on the Huangmei opera tune in order to adapt to the needs of the modern drama and character needs, after finishing, processing, adaptation and creation, and opera composer is
正方 一鉴 “现代书法”要求观念主宰—切,要以观念的更新为切入口,实现书法这一古典艺术形式向现代的转型。他们认为:传统书法以诗文为内容,以汉字为表现对象,直接削弱了书
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