
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjjuser1
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“太湖糯”是江苏省太湖地区农科所用祥湖24×紫金糯杂交选育而成的中熟偏迟晚糯新品种。它在1988、1989年南方稻区单季晚稻区试的上海试点中,分别亩产559.6、577.2公斤,均为参试品种之首,分别比对照品种“秀水04”增产5.8、5.5%,在南方稻区的各试点中产量也获榜首。在1989年上海市单季晚稻区试及南方稻区各试点中产量表现突出,在我市各县的多点试种中,亩产量500~550公斤左右,受到了农户及农业生产部门的好评。为了充分发挥良种的增产作用,现将其种性和栽培技术作些介绍,供广大农户种植时参考。一、“太湖糯”的特性根据我们二年来的试种和观察初步看到“太湖糯”具有以下特性: (一)产量高 1988、1989年南方稻区单季晚稻 “Taihu waxy” is Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province agriculture used Cheung Lake 24 × Zijin glutinous rice breeding from the mid-maturity late waxy new varieties. It accounted for 559.6 and 577.2 kg per mu respectively in Shanghai pilot project of single season rice trial in southern rice area in 1988 and 1989, all of which were the first varieties tested, yielding 5.8 and 5.5% more yield than the control variety “Xiushui 04” The southern region of the pilot production also won the top spot. In 1989, the test of single-season and late-season rice in Shanghai Municipality and the pilot projects in the southern rice area showed outstanding performance. In the multi-point trial planting of counties in our city, the output per mu was about 500-550 kg and was well received by farmers and agricultural production departments . In order to give full play to the yield-increasing role of seed, now its species and cultivation techniques for some introduction for the majority of farmers planting reference. First, the characteristics of “Taihu waxy” According to our two years of trial planting and observation of the initial see “Taihu waxy” has the following characteristics: (a) high yield 1988, 1989 southern rice single season late rice