Construction and Identification of a Vector Expressing RNA Interference Aimed at the Human CyclinD1

来源 :中国肿瘤临床(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:green7116xxxx
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OBJECTIVE To construct a eukaryotic expression vector for RNA interference of the human cyclinD1 gene, and to detect its interference effect in human ovarian cancer cells (HO-8910).METHODS Four target gene segments were synthesized and cloned into the pSUPER vector respectively to construct four recombinant eukaryotic expression vectors, pSUPER-C1~4. The four recombinant vectors were identified by enzyme digestion analysis and DNA sequencing. Then HO-8910 cells were transfected with the pSUPER-C1~4 vectors and subjected to G418 selection. In G418-resistant cells, the interference effect was detected by RT-PCR.RESULTS Enzyme digestion analysis and DNA sequencing showed that the target segments were cloned into the pSUPER vector. The four recombinant vectors inhibited transcription of the cyclinD1 gene. The pSUPER-C2 vector had a better interference effect.CONCLUSION The sequence-specific siRNA effectively interfered with expression of the cyclinD1 gene that was selected. The transcription and expression of the cyclinD1 gene were inhibited effectively by the constructed RNAi eukaryotic expression vectors in the ovarian cancer cells. These results indicate that it is possible to search for a new tumor gene therapy method.
目的 研究控制非适应证输血对临床输血合理性的影响,探讨提高临床输血合理性的有效方法.方法 回顾性分析控制非适应证输血前(2005年)和控制非适应证输血后(2006年)临床输血适
OBJECTIVE Spontaneous rupture is an uncommon complication of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). There is no standard method of treatment, and most often tr
目的 分析广西百色市1997~2006年新生儿破伤风(NNT)发病情况和规律,以便采取有效控制措施.方法 对百色市1997~2006年的NNT疫情数据进行统计,分析发病的地区、时间、人群分布.结
Objective:Early complications were analyzed in those with Evans Ⅲ type of intertrochanteric fracture treated with operation or nonoperative approaches. Methods