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作为金融市场重要融资工具之一的企业债券,目前越来越受到人们的青睐。有资料表明:1981年至1995年,我国已累计发行各类有价证券8788亿元,其中企业债券1940亿元,占22.07%,从1996年我国部分城市企业债券发行反馈来的情况来看,几乎所有的企业债券都能在预期时间内顺利完成。企业债券之所以深受社会各界的欢迎,原因有三:一是风险性较小。目前企业债券多是由专业银行代理发行,债券到期后,专业银行负有代为偿还的责任,这与股票相比,企业债券虽然没有获“暴利”的机会,但不会出现债券贬值、赔本损失的现象,到期后可按时偿本付息。二是与同档储蓄存款相比,收益略高。目前发行的各类企业 As one of the important financial instruments in the financial market, corporate bonds are getting more and more people’s favor. Data show that: From 1981 to 1995, China has issued a total of 878.8 billion yuan worth of various types of securities, of which 194 billion yuan of corporate bonds, accounting for 22.07%. From 1996, some cities in our country corporate bond issue feedback to the situation, Almost all corporate bonds can be successfully completed within the expected time frame. The reason why corporate bonds are welcomed by all walks of life for three reasons: First, the risk is small. At present, corporate bonds are mostly issued by specialized banks. When the bonds expire, the specialized banks have the responsibility of repaying on behalf of them. Compared with stocks, corporate bonds do not have the chance of “profiteering ”, but there will be no bond devaluation , Loss of loss of the phenomenon, after the due date of payment of interest. Second, compared with the same grade savings deposits, slightly higher returns. The current issue of various types of enterprises
古化湾闸位于今余杭市瓶窑镇东苕溪上游2-77km 处, 始建于宋淳熙六年(公元1179 年) , 至今已历时800 余年。在该闸维修过程中, 获得了该古闸的结构、基础处理与防渗防冲技术
Beckmann rearrangement mechanism of cyclohexanone oxime, based on the characteristic of self-catalyzed reaction and polymorphism was proposed. According to the
目的 研究64层螺旋CT冠状动脉CTA动态容积再现图像辅助诊断心肌桥的临床应用价值.方法 选择2016年3月至2017年9月行64层螺旋CT冠状动脉CTA检查的492例患者,经冠状动脉造影确