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目前,我国151个地区级和183个地级行政单位中,已经有139家地报和128家市报,从业人员数以万计。地报已是我国报业中的一支劲旅。建国以来,随着地报的增加,地报的队伍也在逐步扩大,经过党的培育和新闻实践的锻炼,地报队伍的素质确实也在不断提高,从整体上谈,地报队伍是好的。然而,由于大批老同志离退,新人员大量涌入,特别是近几年来,思想政治工作严重削弱,一新队伍的素质,尤其是政治素质远远不能适应改革、开放和四化建设的需要。概括起来有三点:一是地报队伍的马克思主义理论修养不适应。几家地报编辑记者中,大专毕业以上的占85%,而系统学过马列的(哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义)不到30%,很多人还是20年前在职学过的。而最近几年重新学习过的人一个也没有。笔者所在的《白城日报》,主任编辑6人,编辑20人,助理编辑7人。尽管大学生毕业占70%,可是统计结果表明:系统学过马列主义理论的只有6人,还不到20%。许多读者抱怨我们的新闻报道有片面性,其主要原因是由于我们地报的编采人员理论水平不高,缺乏唯 At present, out of 151 regional and 183 prefecture-level administrative units in China, there are already 139 local newspapers and 128 local newspapers, employing tens of thousands of employees. The report is a powerful force in the newspaper industry in our country. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the increase of the newspapers, the team of the newspaper has also been gradually expanded. After the training of the party and the practice of the news practice, the quality of the newspaper team is indeed constantly improving. As a whole, the newspaper team is good . However, due to the retreat of a large number of old comrades and the influx of new personnel, especially in recent years, the ideological and political work has been severely weakened. The quality of a new team, especially the political quality, is far from being able to meet the needs of reform, opening up and the four modernizations . To sum up, there are three points: First, the Marxist theory of the newspaper team does not meet the training needs. Of the few newspaper editors and journalists who accounted for 85% of their college graduates or above, less than 30% systematically studied Marxist-Leninist philosophy (political economy, scientific socialism) and many of them studied in office 20 years ago. None of the people who have studied again in recent years. The author’s “Baicheng Daily”, director of editor 6, editor 20, assistant editor 7 people. Although graduate students account for 70%, statistics show that only 6 people systematically studied Marxism-Leninism, less than 20%. Many readers complain about the one-sidedness of our news reports. The main reason is that due to the low theoretical level of the compilation personnel we reported and the lack of only
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