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2011年5月30日,福州和声钢琴有限公司召开2011年安全生产工作专题会议,公司班组长以上人员及安全责任人等50多人参加了会议。这是和声钢琴公司连续第六年召开安全生产工作专题会议。会议以“坚持以人为本,加强责任落实,强化安全生产,促进和谐发展”为主题,公司安委会及各部门对上半年的安全工作进行了总结,并对下一阶段的安全工作做了详细的部署。在会上池家森总经理要求公司全体人员应坚持“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,牢固树立以人为本、安全发展的理念,以强化安全生产管理为重点,继续深入开展“安全生产年”和“责任落实年” On May 30, 2011, Fuzhou Hesheng Piano Co., Ltd. held a special meeting on safety production in 2011, attended by over 50 people including more than 50 team leaders and safety holders. This is the sixth consecutive Harmony piano company held a safe production work conference. The conference summarized the safety work of the first half year with the theme of “adhering to the people-oriented principle, strengthening the implementation of responsibilities, strengthening safety production and promoting the harmonious development”, and made a summary of the safety work in the first half of the year Detailed deployment. At the meeting, General Manager Chi Chien-sen urged all staff of the company to adhere to the principle of “safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management”, firmly establish the concept of people-oriented and safe development, focus on strengthening safety management, and continue to deepen Carry out “Year of Safety Production” and “Year of Responsibility”
据统计,目前日本液晶显示器的市场占有率已达到了50%以上,而在国内市场,液晶显示器则仍主要应用在高端台式 PC 及工作站领域中,其高昂的价格令普通用户不得不望“机”兴叹。
China has a huge market of renewable resources.In2005,the investment in it occupied the first place in the world.Currently,China has put forward a goal of insta
The 5-parameter Morse potential (5-MP) of the interaction between H atom and Ag surfaces has been constructed. The adsorption and diffusion of H on Ag low-index