
来源 :山东医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinetman
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患者男,20岁,口服植物杀菌剂抗枯灵约10ml1h 后就诊。体检:脉搏88次/min,血压16/10.67kPa,神志清,心肺(一),肝脾不大。实验室检查,Hb110g/L,WBC8.0×10~9/L,肝功能正常。经清水洗胃后,给予 Vite、肌苷、速尿静脉点滴。患者 d 3突然腰痛,体39℃,血压12/8 kPa,口 Male patient, 20 years old, oral plant fungicide anti-Kuling about 10ml1h after treatment. Physical examination: pulse 88 beats / min, blood pressure 16 / 10.67kPa, mind clear, cardiopulmonary (a), small spleen and spleen. Laboratory tests, Hb110g / L, WBC8.0 × 10 ~ 9 / L, normal liver function. After washing with water, give Vite, inosine, furosemide intravenous drip. Sudden back pain in patients with d 3, body 39 ℃, blood pressure 12/8 kPa, mouth
A methodology for the selection of the optimal land uses of the reclamation of mined areas is proposed. It takes into consideration several multi-nature criteri
Drainage influence radius is the basic parameter for borehole arrangement, while the effect of high pressure water jet slotting technology on borehole drainage
Particle size distribution of coarse aggregates through mechanical sieving gives results in terms of cumulative mass percent. But digital image processing gener
Although most subsidence occurs in the months and years after mining by the longwall method, surface movement is still occurring many decades after the mining.
The uniaxial compression experiments on the sandstone samples containing double fissures and a single circular hole were carried out by using electro-hydraulic
4.剪力墙墙梁编号剪力墙墙梁编号,无交叉暗撑及无交叉钢筋的普通连梁LL、暗梁AL、边框梁BKL没有变化;LL (JC)定义为连梁(对角暗撑配筋),与原来连梁(有交叉暗撑)稍有不同;LL(J