
来源 :广西农业生物科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuehua812
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测定了甘蔗品种桂糖11号、桂糖15号和新台糖16号节间2的IAA氧化酶活性的动态变化以及乙烯利处理后的酶活性变化。结果表明:在甘蔗工艺成熟过程中,茎内IAA氧化酶酶活性的变化主要表现为先升后降的变化过程,品种间有差异。乙烯利处理对IAA氧化酶活性有影响,其影响效应及影响时间因品种而有差异,主要表现为抑制IAA氧化酶活性的早期上升过程,同时钝化IAA氧化酶对外界环境的反应,酶活性变化比对照波动性要小,影响酶活性时间约在乙烯利处理后3周以后。推测IAA氧化酶不是乙烯直接诱导的酶。 The dynamic changes of IAA oxidase activity and the changes of enzymatic activity after ethephon treatment were measured for the sugarcane varieties Guitang 11, Guitang 15 and Xintailai No. The results showed that during the process of sugarcane maturation, the changes of IAA oxidase activity in stems mainly showed the process of increasing first and then decreasing, and there were differences among varieties. The effect of ethephon on the activity of IAA oxidase was influenced by its influence and the influence of different time on the oxidative enzyme activity. The main effects of ethephon were inhibition of the early rising of IAA oxidase activity, passivation of IAA oxidase to the external environment, Changes in the volatility than the control to be small, affecting enzyme activity in about 3 weeks after ethephon treatment. It is speculated that IAA oxidase is not an enzyme induced directly by ethylene.
腹股沟疝作为外科常见疾病之一, 对患者健康具有较大影响. 据不完全统计,近3年来,该病在我国的发病率约为0.3%,且呈逐年上升态势[1]. 因此,为了有效保障人民群众的健康,医疗人