
来源 :河南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huaihuaitaizi
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河南省京广铁路以西,淮河干流以南的大部分地区属山地与丘陵,统称之为山区。面积7.4万平方公里,约占全省面积的44.3%。1983年人口2800万,占全省人口的37%;耕地3400万亩,占全省耕地的32%;人均耕地1.2亩,较全省人均低0.2亩。这里土地类型复杂多样,自然资源丰富,生产潜力很大,但土地利用不合理,自然环境破坏严重,许多资源没有得到很好开发利用,特别是深山区、交通、邮电不便,文教、科技落后,群众生产与生活均有不少困难。因此,如何开发山区资源,振兴山区经济,是摆在全省四化建设中一个亟待研究的重大课题。 To the west of Jing-Guang Railroad in Henan Province, most areas south of the Huaihe River are mountainous and hilly areas, collectively referred to as mountainous areas. Area of ​​74,000 square kilometers, accounting for 44.3% of the province’s area. In 1983, the population was 28 million, accounting for 37% of the province’s population. 34 million mu of arable land was used, accounting for 32% of the arable land in the province. Per capita arable land was 1.2 mu, 0.2 mu lower than the average per capita in the province. The land types here are complex and diverse, with rich natural resources and great potential for production. However, due to the unreasonable land use and serious destruction of the natural environment, many resources have not been well developed and exploited. Especially in the mountainous areas, the inconvenience of transportation, post and telecommunications, The masses have many difficulties in production and life. Therefore, how to develop mountain resources and rejuvenate the mountainous area economy are the major topics to be studied urgently in the four modernizations of the province.
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