Synthesis of Intermetallic Compounds by Using Lithium Hudride

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qzccj
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Intermetallic compounds of AB 5 type are promising materials for M-H batteries. In this report we present the results about the influence of quality of intermetallic compounds prepared by a new method of synthesis on their electrochemical properties. The well-known intermetallic Ln 1-xM xNi 5-yMe y (Ln=La, Mm; M=Zr; Me=Mn, Ge, Sn, Al, Co+Sn, Co+Ge) compounds were synthesized by using mixtures of oxides, chlorides and carbonates of metals by interaction with lithium hydride at 700~1000 ℃. Prepared samples have the uniform microstructure with average dimension of particles about 20~30 μm. Electrochemical tests show that kinetic behaviour of compositions are satisfactory under current up to 200 mA·g -1. These compositions require practically no activation and limiting values of the discharge capacity were reached at 2~3 cycle up to 300 mAh·g -1, which can be considered as most promising for practice. Intermetallic compounds of AB 5 type are promising materials for MH batteries. In this report we present the results about the influence of quality of intermetallic compounds prepared by a new method of synthesis on their electrochemical properties. The well-known intermetallic Ln 1-xM xNi 5-yMe y (Ln = La, Mm; M = Zr; Me = Mn, Ge, Sn, Al, Co + Sn, Co + Ge) compounds were synthesized by using mixtures of oxides, chlorides and carbonates of metals by interaction with lithium hydride at 700-1000 ° C. Prepared samples have the uniform microstructure with average dimension of particles about 20-30 μm. Electrochemical tests show that kinetic behavior of compositions are satisfactory under current up to 200 mA · g -1. These compositions require practically no activation and limiting values ​​of the discharge capacity were reached at 2 ~ 3 cycle up to 300 mAh · g -1, which can be considered as most promising for practice.
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