中国近海带鱼Trichiurus haumela (Forsk(?)l)种族的调查

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本文主要系采用生物测定学与解剖学相结合的方法,调查了中国近海带鱼的种族。调查项目包括鱼体测量、背鳍条数、胸鳍条数、幽门盲囊数、椎骨数、尾前愈合脉棘数、头后多髓棘椎骨数、第二臀担骨的完缺情况、骨瘤、腹腔寄生虫和鳔的形状等11项。三年调查期间,分析的样品共为24批,计2,232尾。其中渤海为3批,300尾,黄海为4批,382尾,东海为10批,1,128尾,南海为4批,265尾,北部湾为3批,157尾。大部分样品系随机取样采自产卵场,但也分析过两批越冬期的混合样品和3批同龄幼鱼样品。 根据11个项目调查结果的综合分析,中国近海的带鱼,可分为黄—渤海、东海—粤东、粤西、北部湾近岸、北部湾外海等五个种族。其中前二族与后三族差异更大,后三族鱼的共同特点是尾部均较短,幽门盲囊数及第二臀担骨的缺如程度远较前二族为高,鳔前端常呈螺旋形弯曲,然背鳍及尾前愈合脉棘数则远较前两族为低,成体一般都生有枕骨瘤和背、臀担骨癌。但五族鱼本身,无论在背鳍条数、幽门盲囊数、躯椎数、尾前愈合脉棘数和骨瘤等方面,亦各独自具有可供识别的一系列特点。各族鱼群的具体特征可参看表7。 带角是中国近海的一种主要经济鱼类。因此,对该鱼种族与洄游问题的探索,可以为今后该鱼资源的进一步开发与合理利用,提供必要的依据。 This paper mainly uses the method of biometrics and anatomy to investigate the ethnicity of octopus in offshore China. Survey items include fish body measurements, the number of dorsal fin, the number of pectoral fin, the number of pyloric sac, the number of vertebrae, the number of anterior tail vein, the number of spine after the first multiple spine, the second hip bony defects, osteoma , Abdominal parasite and 鳔 shape 11 items. During the three-year survey, a total of 24 batches of samples were analyzed, with 2,232 tailings. There are 3 batches of Bohai Sea and 300 wetlands, 4 batches of Yellow Sea, 382 catastrophes, 10 batches of East China Sea and 1,128 catastrophes, 4 batches of South China Sea and 265 catches, and 3 batches of Beibu Bay and 157 wetlands. Most samples were collected randomly from spawning grounds, but two batches of overwintering mixed samples and three batches of juvenile fish samples were also analyzed. According to the comprehensive survey of 11 projects, the octopus in the offshore China can be divided into five races such as the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea, the East China Sea, the East Guangdong, the West Coast of the Beibu Gulf and the Beibu Gulf. Among them, the former two tribes and the latter three clans have greater difference. The common characteristic of the latter three clams is that their tails are shorter, the number of pyloric blind bladders and the lack of second hips are much higher than those of the previous two tribes, Was spirally curved, while the dorsal fin and anterior tail vein pulse number is far lower than the previous two families, adults are generally born with occipital tumor and back, hip, bone cancer. However, the five groups of fish itself, in terms of the number of dorsal finals, the number of pyloric sac, trunk number, the number of anterior tail vein and osteoma, etc., also have their own unique identification for a range of features. The specific characteristics of all ethnic groups can be found in Table 7. Horn is a major economic fish off the coast of China. Therefore, the exploration of the race and migration of the fish can provide the necessary basis for the further development and rational utilization of the fish resources in the future.
一、利用根的定义构造一元二次方程例 1 已知a、b为互不相等的实数 ,且a2 =7- 3a,b2 =7- 3b.求a2 +b2 的值 .(2 0 0 2年北大附中中考模拟题 )分析 观察发现 ,a、b实际上是方程x2 +3x-7=
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