
来源 :机车车辆工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljyrabbit
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目前,内燃机车柴油机铝活塞存在的主要问题是,铝活塞顶部第一环槽不耐磨,使用寿命较短,有的甚至在环岸部分折断,造成柴油机损环事故。为了解决这个问题,一些资本主义国家采取在第一环槽处,用锻压或铸造的方法,镶入一个耐磨铸铁环座,以提高铝活塞的使用寿命。而采用锻压镶环座铝活塞的,目前仅限于西德和美国,苏联则正在研制。经过无产阶级文化大革命,在毛主席的革命路线指引下,为了赶超世界先进水平,戚墅堰机车车辆工厂、株洲车辆工厂、建厂工程局科学研究所和戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所一起,组成了工人、干部、技术人员三结合的攻关组, At present, the main problem existing in the aluminum piston of diesel locomotive diesel locomotive is that the first ring groove on the top of the aluminum piston is not wear-resistant, has a short service life, and some even break off in the part of the ring bank, causing the diesel engine ring damage. In order to solve this problem, some capitalist countries adopted a method of forging or casting in the first ring groove to insert a wear-resistant cast iron ring seat to improve the service life of the aluminum piston. Forged aluminum ring with forging, is currently limited to West Germany and the United States, the Soviet Union is being developed. Through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and in order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world level, the Qishuyan Rolling Stock Works, Zhuzhou Vehicle Works, the Scientific Research Institute of the Construction Engineering Bureau and the Qishuyan Rolling Stock Technology Institute have formed the workers , Cadres, technicians combined three key research group,
上世纪六七十年代的农村人,最大的愿望则是希望自家的男娃们快点长大,能给家里挣上工分,到年底生产队分红时,能多领到一些辛苦一年的报酬,好在过年前添置一些生活用品,为家人做件新衣裳。因此,参加生产队的集体劳动挣上工分,就成了农村人的主要事情了。  1975年那年我刚9岁,学校放暑假的一个半月里,是生产队活计最忙的时候。生产队的队长经常在麦场里、田间地头训斥我们这一帮小伙伴,不是因踩坏了庄稼,就是玩打仗
In 1997,a little more than a decade after its founding,folding bicycle company Dahon California Inc.set up a factory in south China’s Guangdong Province to tak
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