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Geologic Field Methods (6) Areas Covered by Alluvium The work of the field geologist is largely a matter of applying conventional methods and procedures in areas where the strata are continuously exposed; but, unfortunately, such ideal conditions for field geology are rare. Usually, the geologist is required to piece together the geology of regions where perhaps less than one percent of the surface consists of exposed bedrock, Foregoing topics emphasize the necessity for the field geologist to employ a “multiple approach” to field problems, the essence of which consists in developing a geo- Geologic Field Methods (6) Areas Covered by Alluvium The work of the field geologist is largely a matter of applying conventional methods and procedures in areas where the strata are continuously exposed; but, unfortunately, such ideal conditions for field geology are rare. The geologist is required to piece together the geology of regions where but less than one percent of the surface consists of exposed bedrock, Foregoing topics stressed the necessity for the field geologist to employ a “multiple approach” to field problems, the essence of Which consists in developing a geo-
1980年是大陆漂移学说的创始人,德国伟大的科学家阿尔弗莱德·魏格纳(Alfred Wegener,1880—1930年)诞辰一百周年,联邦德国和民主德国、奥地利等国纷纷发行了纪念邮票,以纪
CCL集团日前宣布完成了一系列的收购,旨在巩固其全球业务的增长率和盈利水平。在土耳其,CCL集团收购了CCL Dekopak,这家公司位于伊斯坦布尔,主要生产收缩套标,CCL集团准备借
学院工会工作是学院党委联系教职工的纽带。为了更好地履行学院工会各项职能,坚持与落实科学发展观,推进高校工会工作有新作为。 College union work college college party