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目的了解龙岩市艾滋病高危人群的一般社会学、行为学特征及HIV、梅毒感染情况,为制订相应的干预措施提供科学依据。方法对龙岩市吸毒人员、卖淫嫖娼人员及性病就诊者开展行为学特征调查和采集血样进行HIV及梅毒血清学的检测。结果龙岩市暗娼等四种HIV高危人群男女比例相近;20~29岁年龄组比例最大为51.6%;文化水平为70.2%在初中文化及以下;检出HIV阳性人员6人,检出率为0.09%;检出梅毒阳性人员586人,阳性率为10.2%;卖淫嫖娼人员发生性行为时每次都使用安全套的仅占33.21%,吸毒人员曾经与别人共用过注射器注射毒品的占22.1%。结论对艾滋病高危人群开展监测工作是非常必要的。 Objective To understand the general social and behavioral characteristics of HIV / AIDS and the prevalence of HIV and syphilis in high risk population of people with AIDS in Longyan and to provide a scientific basis for formulating the corresponding interventions. Methods Conducting behavioral characteristics survey and collecting blood samples for drug users, prostitutes and sex workers in Longyan City for the detection of HIV and syphilis serology. Results There were similar proportions of men and women in four HIV high risk groups such as female sex workers in Longyan City, with the highest percentage being 51.6% in 20-29 age group, 70.2% in junior middle school education and below, and 6 HIV positive persons with the detection rate of 0.09 %; Detected positive syphilis 586 people, the positive rate was 10.2%; prostitutes and prostitutes each sex when using condoms accounted for only 33.21%, drug users and others had shared syringe injection of drugs accounted for 22.1%. Conclusion It is very necessary to carry out monitoring work in people at risk of AIDS.
一场门球半决赛,时间还剩5分钟,13:10红方领先。⑩球起杆撞击④、⑥球打成双杆球,⑩球利用④、⑥球给②球造成双杆球。如图所示。 A goalkeeper semifinals, time left for
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基于高度亲脂的分子可能增强对神经细胞膜的渗透力的设想,合成了一种新的环腺苷酸的类似物2’-O-oleoy1-2-(?)aza-adenosine 3’,5’-cyclic phosphate(3),发现在10~(-3),10~
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