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随着科学技术的进步,煤矿机械化程度也越来越高。从投资比例来看:80年代初扩建一座80万吨的矿井需投资5190.3万元,其中设备费1691.06万元,占总投资的32.6%,到80年代后期扩建一座80万吨矿井需投资12502.24万元,设备费4754.09万元,占投资的38.03%,比80年代初设备费的投资增加5.5%。机电设备的选型,选厂是否经济合理,对整个煤炭生产起着重要的作用。设备选型主要依靠设计部门根据各方面有关资料,经过详细计算,综合平衡后而定。而选择供给设备的厂家问题,则多取决于设备采购部门,是目前值得研究的问题。 With the advancement of science and technology, the degree of mechanization of coal mines is also getting higher and higher. From the aspect of investment ratio, in the early 1980s, an 800,000-tonne mine would need to invest 51.90 million yuan, of which the equipment cost was 16.9016 million yuan, accounting for 32.6% of the total investment. By the end of the 1980s, the expansion of a 800,000-ton mine would require 125.202 million. RMB 47,540,900 yuan for equipment, accounting for 38.03% of investment, and 5.5% more than equipment investment in the early 1980s. The choice of mechanical and electrical equipment, whether the plant is economically reasonable, and plays an important role in the entire coal production. Equipment selection mainly depends on the design department according to all aspects of relevant information, after detailed calculations, after comprehensive balance. The question of choosing the supplier of equipment depends on the procurement department of the equipment. It is a question worth studying.
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从介绍饭店背景知识入手,培养学生的学习兴趣,采用转换角色与创设情境的教学方法,以及各种检测手段与学习相结合的方式,从而达到让学生学好饭店英语的目的。 Starting from
第一次走出校门,不少大学生并不清楚什么样的工作适合自 己。简历该怎么写?面试时要注意什么?除了大学生自身的学业、 能力、素质外,求职过程中该向用人单位展示哪方面的特点