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  Autumn is a tourist season, and many foreigners gather to see Beijings historic sights. But another attraction deserves mention—the Shaolin Temple. Think of Kung Fu Panda, Jet Li and Bruce Li—kungfu counts among Chinas most popular cultural exports to the West, and Westerners appear to have a lasting love with it.
  Kungfu, or Chinese martial arts, includes hundreds of fighting styles and different classification, with the most famous perhaps being the difference between “Northern Kicks” and “Southern Fists”.
  My Chinese boyfriend loves kungfu movies, and said that when he was a child he used to watch them during his summer and winter vacations. When I asked him why, he said kungfu is “full of feelings”, and the theme song of Jet Lis 1982 movie Shaolin Temple even brings tears to his eyes. In fact, the Shaolin Temple in central Chinas Henan Province has its own brand of kungfu, which is why we went to visit it.
  We had a short conversation with a monk (和尚)after we arrived there. When my boyfriend inquired (詢句) into studying kungfu at the temple for several months, the monk replied students in their thirties are a rarity, and usually they are younger. In fact, we met with some students who seemed to be in their teens, but I am not sure how studying kungfu matches their study schedules.
  When we said goodbye to the monks, I extended(伸出)my hand but they didnt shake it—my gesture was considered inappropriate (不合适的). I later learned that I should have put my palms (手掌) together and bowed.
  We met two pilgrims (朝圣者)on our way up the mountain. Both travelers cheered us on with the Chinese words “jiayou” and gave us a walking stick. A Buddhist nun (佛教尼姑) showed me how to take the walking stick correctly by grabbing it from the top. On our way down, I passed the walking stick on to an elderly lady for her journey, wondering if she had practiced kungfu in her younger years.
  When I came out from the monastery (寺院), I began to understand that kungfu is not just about demonstrating some deft (灵巧的) moves, but a philosophy and a way of life that are cultivated both inside and outside of Shaolins walls.
  秋天是旅游旺季,许多外国人聚集在这里观看北京的历史名胜。但另一个景点值得一提,它就是少林寺。想一想功夫熊猫,想一想李连杰,想一想李小龙,在向西方输出最流行的中国文化中,功夫起到举足轻重的作用,西方人似乎对它有着持久的热爱。   功夫,或中国武术,包括数百种格斗风格和不同的分类方法,其中最著名的可能是“北腿”和“南拳”的区别。
  Language study
  1.appear to do sth 似乎要做某事
  2.the difference between...and... ……和……的
  3.used to do sth 過去常常做某事
  4.in fact 事实上;实际上
  5.in ones thirties 在某人三十几岁时
  6.say goodbye to sb 和某人告别
  Difficult sentence
  In fact, the Shaolin Temple in central Chinas Henan Province has its own brand of kungfu, which is why we went to visit it. 事实上,中国中部河南省的少林寺有自己的功夫品牌,这就是我们去参观的原因。
  【点石成金】句中含有两个复合句,which 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语;why引导表语从句,this is why... 表示 “这是……的原因”。
  Critical reading
  What does the author know about the cultural meaning of kungfu and the Shaolin Temple?
英国人为什么这么喜欢茶?Well,to put it simply—they started to drink tea because they didn't have much coffee.简单来说,欧洲人开始喝茶是因为他们并没有太多咖啡。
<正> 作者于1991年3月~1993年4月试用干扰素治疗流行性腮腺炎脑膜脑炎(简称腮脑)84例,疗效明显优于病毒唑,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 共观察腮脑患儿148例,男78例
1Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到
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