Two-dimensional Modeling of a Salt-gradient Solar Pond with Wall Shading Effect and Thermo-physical

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:valgrind2
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In this paper,the behavior of a salt-gradient solar pond with the square cross-section has been studied experimentally and numerically.A small-scale solar pond were designed and built to provide quantitative data.A two-dimensional,transient heat and mass transfer model has been solved numerically by using finite-control-volume method.In this study,all the thermo-physical properties are variable as the function of temperature and salt concentration.Numerical results as obtained for the experimental pond have been satisfactorily compared and validated against measured data.Furthermore,the wall shading effect has been elaborated to improve the agreement between two sets of results.The temperature of the storage zone is predicted well by the model.It also can be observed that the initial concentration profile is preserved with time.The stability of the pond in time has been investigated in order to distinguish the critical zones.Finally,the application of an energy analysis gives an efficiency of about 12%for the pond. In this paper, the behavior of a salt-gradient solar pond with the square cross-section has been studied experimentally and numerically. A small-scale solar pond were designed and built to provide quantitative data. A two-dimensional, transient heat and mass transfer model has been solved numerically by using finite-control-volume method. in this study, all the thermo-physical properties are variable as the function of temperature and salt concentration. Numerical results as obtained for the experimental pond have been satisfactorily compared and validated against measured data.Furthermore, the wall shading effect has been elaborated to improve the agreement between two sets of results. temperature of the storage zone is predicted well by the model. It can also be observed that the initial concentration profile is preserved with time The stability of the pond in time has been investigated in order to distinguish the critical zones. Finally, the application of an energy analysis gives an effici ency of about 12% for the pond.
当票及当官逻辑   电视剧《一代廉吏于成龙》中有个情节:于成龙自己花钱送一群逃难的孩子回家,还每人给了二两银子,以至于自己连锅也揭不开,不得不当掉冬衣。碰巧这当票让王爷
我路过一个池塘时,看到堤上的小洞里有一根红色的须。我想,肯定是龙虾!我急忙脱下鞋子,冲到池塘里抓龙虾。我用力一拉,龙虾的须被拉断了。我用手挖那里的泥巴,水被搅浑了,找不到龙虾了。  我四处看了看,又发现一个洞,里面有红色的东西在动。哈,不会是刚才那只龙虾吧?我把手伸进洞里去抓,狡猾的龙虾把洞修得弯弯曲曲的,我抓不着它。  我找来一把小铁铲,把龙虾洞周围的泥巴挖开。龙虾的洞连着池塘,一会儿,水涌过来
业主:美国国防部海军设施工程司令部建筑设计:巴斯克斯·马歇尔建筑事务所、Tran Systems和Wildman&Morris施工承包商:Webcor和R.A.Burch混凝土砌块供应商:RCP砌块&砖公司(本
我们小区门口有一家面包店。店里有各种形状的面包,小熊形状的、兔子形状的、宝塔形状的……漂亮极了。每次从面包店经过,我都能闻到缕缕诱人的香味。  面包店的阿姨长得胖胖的,看起来也像一块软软的面包。  一天,妈妈带我去那家店买面包。我们选好面包后,拿给阿姨结账。  “一共18.5元。”阿姨笑眯眯地说。  妈妈掏出20元钱,想关照阿姨的生意,就说:“算了,别找了,我再买个1.5元的面包。”  妈妈看了面