
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaov705
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近几年,,随着改革开放的不断深入,城乡理发、美容店如雨后春笋,日益增多。理(烫)发店的增多,虽然繁荣了经济。美化了生活,方便了群众,但同时也带来一系列的卫生问题。理(烫)发业的卫生问题过去一直不受重视,其实它正是导致许多传染病发生流行的一个重要因素。目前,我国理(烫)发业的卫生问题比较严重,但是在对其实行和改进方面却缺乏可供借鉴的经验。为了探讨山区个体理(烫)发业卫生监督管理的有效办法,我站于1989年5月对城镇30余家个体理发店进行了调查。现将调查结果报告如下,并就所发现的问题作简单的剖析,同时也提出今后加强和改进这方面卫生管理的意见。一、现存卫生问题及简单剖析在调查的30家理发店中,我们发现绝大多数从业人员文化、经济水平都比较低,卫生意识较差,而且设备简陋。主要表现在: 1.建筑设计不符合卫生要求,在调查的30余家 In recent years, with the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, urban and rural barbers and beauty shops are springing up and increasing. The increase in management (hot) hair salons, although prospering the economy. Landscaping has brought convenience to the masses, but it has also brought a series of health problems. The hygiene issue of the (hot) hair industry has not been taken seriously in the past. In fact, it is an important factor leading to the epidemic of many infectious diseases. At present, the health issues of China’s Ricoh (iron) industry are relatively serious, but they lack experience for reference in their implementation and improvement. In order to discuss the effective measures for the health supervision and management of the individual (hot) hair industry in mountain areas, I stood in May 1989 and conducted investigations on more than 30 individual barber shops in towns. The results of the survey are reported below, and a brief analysis of the problems found is also presented. At the same time, it also proposes to strengthen and improve the health management in this area in the future. I. Existing health problems and simple analysis Among the 30 barbershops surveyed, we found that the majority of employees had relatively low cultural and economic levels, poor hygiene awareness, and poorly equipped equipment. Mainly manifested in: 1. Architectural design does not meet the health requirements, more than 30 in the survey
一、初级卫生保健经费管理原则 PHC经费来自各个方面,由主管部门集中统筹、管理和分配使用,是难以实行的。从这一实际出发,笔者认为管理的原则应该是:“统筹预算,分级管理;