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国务院《关于支持福建省加快建设海峡西岸经济区的若干意见》中,有一段话特别让人期待:“充分发挥海峡西岸经济区自然和文化资源优势,增强武夷山、闽西南土楼、鼓浪屿等景区对两岸游客的吸引力,拓展闽南文化、客家文化、妈祖文化等两岸共同文化内涵,突出’海峡旅游’主题,使之成为国际知名的旅游目的地和富有特色的自然文化旅游中心。”这不仅切合以福建为主体的海峡西岸经济区的自 The State Department’s “Opinions on Supporting Fujian Province to Accelerate the Building of an Economic Zone on the West Bank of the Taiwan Strait” make one particular remark: “We will give full play to the advantages of natural and cultural resources in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and enhance the scenic spots such as Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Tulou Island Attract the tourists on both sides of the Strait and expand the common cultural connotation of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, including Hakka Culture, Hakka Culture and Mazu Culture, and highlight the theme of ’Strait Tourism’, making it an internationally renowned tourist destination and a unique natural and cultural tourism center. ” It not only meets the needs of the economic zone on the west bank of the Taiwan Straits that is mainly composed of Fujian
根据著名剧作家曹禺同名话剧改编的彩色宽银幕故事片《原野》,已由南海影业公司摄制完成。它的问世引起国内电影界人士和影剧爱好者的重视。 发表于1936年的《原野》,是曹禺
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Pregnancy is a special clinical state with several normal physiological changes that influence body organs including the liver.Liver disease can cause significa
无论是平时练习,还是考试中都会经常出现more than的用法,掌握并运用好more than的用法是教学大纲对中学生的基本要求,正确理解和运用它能够在英语学习中达到事半功倍之效。