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2006—2007年系统调查河南省沿黄稻区灰飞虱和水稻条纹叶枯病的发生动态、测定灰飞虱带毒率,并进行防治技术对比试验。结果表明,灰飞虱成虫在5月中旬开始向水稻田迁飞,5月底至6月15日为成虫迁飞盛期,也是稻田虫量最大的时期。水稻条纹叶枯病发病高峰出现在7月4日至7月20日,与成虫迁飞密切相关。灰飞虱在沿黄稻区带毒率较高,且地区间差异较大,沿黄稻区5个市(县)的带毒率在15.4%~62.5%之间。控制秧田灰飞虱虫量,对水稻条纹叶枯病具有较好的防治效果。秧田使用防虫网覆盖并在移栽前使用10%吡虫啉喷雾对水稻条纹叶枯病的防效可达73.72%~88.40%;使用5%氟虫腈拌种并在移栽前使用10%吡虫啉喷雾的防效为70.48%~76.82%;秧田使用10%吡虫啉和80%敌敌畏混和喷雾的防效为78.85%~82.47%;使用5%氟虫腈喷雾的防效为77.18%~83.88%。 2006-2007 Systematic investigation of the occurrence of Laodelphax striatellus and rice stripe virus in the rice growing area along the Yellow River in Henan Province was carried out to determine the virulence of Laodelphax striatellus and to control the technology. The results showed that the adults of Laodelphax striatellus migrated to the paddy fields in mid-May and migrated from the end of May to June 15, which was also the period with the largest amount of pests in paddy fields. The peak incidence of rice stripe virus appears in July 4 to July 20, and is closely related to the migration of adults. Laodelphax striatellus larvae had higher rates of virulence in the area along the yellow paddy, and there were significant differences among different regions. The virulence rates of Laodelphax striatellus in five cities (counties) along the Yellow River were between 15.4% and 62.5%. Controlling the population of Laodelphax striatellus has a good control effect on rice stripe virus. The control effect of spraying 10% imidacloprid on rice leaf blight was up to 73.72% ~ 88.40% in seedling field with insect net and before transplanting. Using 5% fipronil seed dressing and 10% imidacloprid spray before transplanting The control effect was 70.48% ~ 76.82%. The control effect of mixed spray with 10% imidacloprid and 10% imidacloprid was 78.85% ~ 82.47%. The control effect of 5% fipronil spray was 77.18% ~ 83.88%.
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