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一、洗胃操作中的问题洗胃是抢救中极为重要的措施,操作不当关系到抢救的成功率。为避免误吸而窒息,洗胃时使患者头侧斜或侧卧位。在洗胃过程中,应变动体位数次,否则“盲区”不易洗净。用洗胃机洗胃,大量液体灌入,压力大又未及时抽出,胃内容物大量增加,引起神经反射麻痹而扩张,加上阿托品用量大,肠蠕动减弱,胃、十二指肠极度扩张,尤其是敌敌畏对胃粘膜的腐蚀损害,更易造成胃穿孔。所以使用洗胃机前,必须先调试好灌入液量的准确刻度。一般以每次灌入300~500ml为宜,每次灌入量应吸完,但首次吸出量应少于灌入量的100~200ml,以防负压损伤胃粘膜,洗出液量应与灌入液量相等。洗胃液总量应以排出液清亮和无药味为准。盲目大量持久洗胃,特别是温清水过多,可致低渗血症和促发脑水肿。对饱食后服毒,食物残渣堵塞胃管孔,无法洗时,口服腐蚀性毒物或重度中毒而致下 First, gastric lavage operation problems Gastric lavage is an extremely important measure in the rescue, improper operation related to the success rate of rescue. In order to avoid aspiration and suffocation, gastric lavage patients head-side tilt or lateral position. In the process of gastric lavage, should change the body position several times, otherwise “blind spot” is not easy to wash. Gastric lavage gastric lavage, a large number of liquid infusion, pressure and not timely extraction, a substantial increase in gastric contents, causing paralysis and expansion of reflex nerve, with atropine dosage, decreased peristalsis, extreme expansion of the stomach and duodenum , Especially dichlorvos corrosion damage to the gastric mucosa, more likely to cause gastric perforation. Therefore, before using the gastric lavage machine, you must first debug the exact amount of poured liquid volume. In general, each infusion of 300 ~ 500ml is appropriate, each infusion should be absorbed, but the first amount of suction should be less than the infusion amount of 100 ~ 200ml, to prevent negative pressure damage to gastric mucosa, wash fluid volume should be The amount of liquid poured into the same. The total amount of gastric lavage fluid discharge should be clear and no medicine prevail. A large number of blind long-term gastric lavage, especially warm water too much, can cause hypoachromospermia and trigger brain edema. After taking food poisoning, food debris plug the stomach tube hole, can not wash, oral corrosive poison or severe poisoning caused
安力农(Amrinone)为新型正性肌力药物,众多文献报道其不良反应为胃肠道不适、肝功能异常、发热、血小板减少。现报道该药致血尿2例。 Amrinone is a new type of inotropic
自 1999年的全国高考始 ,话题作文以其逐渐明晰的面貌登上舞台。话题作文 ,逐渐成为一种新型的作文测试形式和作文训练形式。对于话题作文 ,需要研究的问题很多。而最起码的