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凡是有人存在的地方,审美活动几乎无处不在。它渗透在人类的一切活动之中——从最原始的活动到最现代化的活动。可以想象,当原始人看到自己制造的石斧发生实际效用时,会产生某种愉快和欣喜,这种愉快和欣喜同现代人看到自己制造的宇宙飞船获得成功时所产生的愉快和欣喜,会有许多不同,但同时也会具有某些相同或相近的性质,它们都是人对自己本质力量的一种自我欣赏。于是我们可以说:原始人的制造和使用石斧同现代人的制造和使用宇宙飞船,虽然时间相距数十万甚至上百万年,活动水平似乎也有天壤之别;但就其实质而言,都包含着审美活动的因素(至于其中审美因素同其他因素相比,占多大分量,哪种因素处于主导地位,另当别论)。审美活动作为人类最基本的生命活动形态之一,大概是任何一种表现着人的本质特征,并具有一定感性形式的活动类型所摆脱不了、也无法摆脱的。 Wherever there are people, aesthetic activities are almost ubiquitous. It permeates all human activity - from the most primitive activity to the most modern activity. It is conceivable that when the primitive people saw the practical effect of the stone ax they made, they would have some joy and joy which, together with the joy and joy the modern people saw when their own spacecraft succeeded, There will be many differences, but at the same time they will have some of the same or similar properties, all of which are self-appreciation of one’s own power. So we can say that the primitive people’s manufacture and use of stone ax and modern people’s manufacture and use of spacecraft, although the time from hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, the level of activity seems to vary widely; but in essence, are Contains the aesthetic activities of the factors (as to which aesthetic factors compared with other factors, what constitutes a major factor, which factors dominate, unless otherwise). As one of the most basic forms of human life, aesthetic activities are presumably those that can not get rid of or can not get rid of any kind of activity that manifests the essence of human beings and has certain perceptual forms.
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当医生的赵壹到鹿城会议中心学习。他在鹿城城区有几个当官的同学,很多年不见了。他想好了,这次一定要抽时间联系他们,一起聚聚。  培训课程安排得不紧,赵壹安顿好后,先向鹿城镇一中孙校长发去信息:“大宝,我是赵壹,我来鹿城会议中心进修,有时间聚一聚吧?”大宝是孙校长的小名,二人是中学同学。想当年,大宝家务事多,当班长的赵壹给他帮了不少忙,才完成了学业。大宝中学毕业时握住赵壹的手说:“今生是同学,下辈是兄