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介绍了电子自旋共振(ESR)法与铀系测年法联合对牙齿化石测年的基本原理,通过引入参数p反映牙齿化石中各组织的铀吸收过程;阐述了ESR-U系联合测年法的测年时限、测年精度及影响因素。对于我国中早更新世考古遗址的化石测年具有潜在优势,是目前唯一可行的对老地点化石样品进行直接测年的方法。 This paper introduces the basic principle of ESR and uranium dating in the dating of fossil fossils, introduces the parameter p to reflect the uranium absorption process of each tissue in dental fossil, and describes the ESR-U series dating Law dating time, dating accuracy and influencing factors. It has the potential advantage to fossil dating of the middle and early Pleistocene archeological sites in China and is the only feasible method for direct dating of fossil samples in old places.
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国际热核实验反应堆ITER(Intemational Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)计划是一个融合国际研究合作项目.中子屏蔽IWS位于VV内壳和外壳之间,用于屏蔽中子、降低环向磁场
今年以来,我区居民消费价格总水平和住房价格延续上年快速上涨势头,物价上涨压力依然较大,增加了城乡居民生活负担。因此,必须多管齐下,切实稳物价、房价,保民生。  一、我区物价和房价上涨压力较大  一季度,我区CPI累计上涨4.7%,其中食品类价格上涨12.4%,成为推动CPI走高的主要因素。同期,我区住房价格也快速上涨,中国房地产指数系统100个城市价格指数显示,呼和浩特市商品房均价由2月的6629
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李寿彭主任医师为重庆市老中医药专家学术经验继承指导老师,其自拟坚骨汤治疗骨质疏松症收到良好疗效,现介绍如下。  1方剂组成  坚骨汤药用熟地20g,山茱萸15g,山药15g,黄芪30
A low-complexity multi-antenna relaying scheme is proposed for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) in the presence of Class-A Impulsive Noise (IN)