
来源 :解放军生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynshisss
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有个将军兵败躲进寺庙里,贼寇将寺庙团团围住。寺庙里的武僧们奉大师之命,全力保卫将军平安。大师也想借此机会,考察一下武僧中谁可担当大任,待将军解围后,可以让其贴身保卫将军,助将军戍边卫国。大师最终将目标放在了慧能和慧远身上。晚上,大师交代二人爬梯上墙,看一下周围贼寇的情况。这是一项十分危险的行动,登墙眺望,很容易被贼寇的弓箭手射中,瞬间毙命。可越是危险, There is a general defeat to hide in the temple, thieves Kou Temple surrounded by siege. The monks in the temple were ordered by the great master to defend the general safely. Masters also want to take this opportunity to examine who can play a large monk, to be general rescue, you can let it personal defender, to help the generals guard the state. Master will eventually target Huineng and Hui Yuan who. Night, the master account of two ladder on the wall, take a look at the situation around the Zeikou. This is a very dangerous operation, overlooking the wall, it is easy to shoot the thief Arcane archers, instant kill. The more dangerous it can be,
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中秋节是一个传统节日,代表着团圆。可几年前的一个中秋节,我们家显得特别孤单,冷清。  那时,爸爸还在做搬运工,妈妈因工作原因经常去香港谈生意,很少回家。一家三口,两个在中山,一个在香港。有一次,妈妈打电话给我,她说每天度日如年,非常孤单,很想回家跟我们过节。到了中秋节,家家户户团团圆圆,她却一个人在香港,嚼着象征着团圆却无法与亲人团聚的月饼,心情特别沉重。  那时候,我不懂事,只知道“吃喝玩乐”,
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