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一、编班一个学校有两个以上复式班,就要考虑哪几个年级合编为一班,才有利于教学。一般有两种编法:1、相近年级合并编班。如把四个年级编为两班,则一、二年级和三、四年级各编一班。如有五个年级,可把一、二、三年级和四、五年级各编一班。如五个年级编为三个班,可把五年级或一年级作单式班(根据学生人数定)。有的主张把一、五年级混编,实践证明不利于组织教学;因为一年级是起始年级,五年级是毕业年级,合编一班,难点、重点过于集中了。相近年级合并编班有利于学生“温故”、“知新”。当较低年级直接教学时,较高年级的学生常会利用自动作业后的点滴时间听邻近低年级的课,这就 A, a class A school has more than two complex classes, it is necessary to consider which classes compose a class, it is conducive to teaching. There are generally two kinds of coding: 1, similar grade merger classes. If the four grades are compiled into two classes, the first grade, the second grade and the third grade and the fourth grade are each organized into two classes. If there are five grades, you can put the first, second and third grade and fourth and fifth grade in each class. If the five grades are compiled in three classes, the fifth grade or the first grade can be used as a single class (based on the number of students). Some advocate the first and fifth grade compilation, practice proved not conducive to teaching organization; because the first grade is the starting grade, the fifth grade is the final grade, co-editor of a group of difficulties, the focus is too focused. Similar grade merger class is conducive to students “warm old”, “new knowledge.” When lower grades are taught directly, students in higher grades often use nearby hours of automatic work to hear lessons in lower grades
After recovering from its low point in1994,the domestic alumina market pricerose from RMB1,650 to 3,200/tonnein 1995.The Chinese alumina markethas the followin
问:一九八三年我省中级科技人员补测外语有些什么具体规定? 答:根据省科委豫科字(82)第181号文件精神,(1)原则上使用省规定教材,为解决购买规定教材难及照顾一些部门专业性
经理股票期权薪酬制已有近两年的试点与探索。股票期权制在实施中也遇到了一些技术上的问题。解决这些问题有利于欺权制在中国的成长和国企改革的深入。 Manager of the sto