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1990年,湖北省仙桃市杨林尾镇农业生产取得可喜成绩,被湖北省委、省政府授予农业生产先进单位称号.他们的工作主要是讲一个“实”字,说实话、办实事、求实效,搞好各项工作的督办落实.一、统一认识,形成体系镇党委认为,乡镇作为最基层的一级党委,确立宏观思路,制订大政方针不是主要的任务,它的主要工作是把上级党委的方针、政策、目标、任务落实.镇以下的办事处、村缺乏综合协调能力,物资、资金的纽织,科学技术的推广要靠乡镇去协调;广大农民的大量要求和意见,不管向哪一级反映,最终的落脚点还是在乡镇,力所能及地解决群众的问题是不可推卸的责任.他们还认真反思了近年来的工作,认为最深刻的教训就是工作不抓落实.在统一认识后,镇党委在去年初就建立了督办领导专班,由党委书记李水清同志挂帅、副书记汪在发牵头,有党办、组、纪、宣、财办等部门负责同志参加的督办领导小组,在各个部门和村组选聘了64名兼职督办员,聘请了10名老同志为督办巡视员,建立了督办网络.同时还建立了督办汇报检查制度、督办反馈验收制度和督办奖惩制度、督办档案制度,使全镇的督查工作纳入了轨道. In 1990, the agricultural production in Yanglinwei Town, Xiantao City, Hubei Province, made gratifying achievements and was awarded the title of Advanced Unit of Agricultural Production by Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. Their work mainly consists of speaking a word of “truth”, telling the truth and doing practical work. Effectiveness and do a good job of supervision and implementation of various work.A unified understanding of the formation of the town Party committee believes that the township as the most basic level of party committees to establish macro ideas and formulate major policies is not the main task of its main task is to the higher The guidelines, policies, goals and tasks of the party committees are implemented. The offices and villages below the township lack new organizations of comprehensive coordination, materials and funds. The promotion of science and technology depends on the coordination of townships and townships. The vast number of farmers’ demands and opinions, It is an unshirkable responsibility that the ultimate goal is settled in the township and town to solve the masses’ problems within their means. They also seriously reflected on the work in recent years and considered that the deepest lesson is that work is not implemented. After the unification of understanding At the beginning of last year, the town party committee set up a supervisory-led special class led by Comrade Li Shuiqing, secretary of the party committee. Wang Zhaofu, deputy secretary, led the party committee, group, discipline and propaganda , Responsible for the financial sector and other departments in charge of comrades to participate in the leading group in all departments and village groups to employ 64 part-time supervisors, hired 10 old comrades to supervise the inspectors, the establishment of the supervision network.At the same time also established a supervision report Inspect the system, supervise the feedback acceptance system and supervise the rewards and punishments system, and supervise the file system so as to bring the supervision of the whole town into orbit.
这是一件真实的事: 前不久的一天,某市13个县的120名共产党员代表到一个村庄去参观评议党员的活动。代表们看到红旗上的镰刀斧头党徽,议论开了。有的说:那镰刀口向左,不对;
全国党校第五届管理科学教学年会原定1989年7月在上海举行,后因故改期。最近,经中央党校校委批准,决定于1990年2月20—25日举行,地点不变。 参加会议的代表有中央党校、各省