The patient male was 13 years old. He had a fever before abdominal pain more than a month ago. During his physical examination, he touched a huge mass in the left upper quadrant. He was admitted to the hospital on July 3, 1987 with splenomegaly (spleen hemangiomas). Past history of typhoid and hepatitis. Physical examination: T36.5°C, P74 beats/min, Bp110/70mmHg. Normal development, moderate nutrition, no yellow stain on sclera, cardiopulmonary (-), abdomen was frog abdomen, left upper abdomen see a bulging mass, medium quality, smooth, active, no tenderness, mass about 22 × 16cm, lower bound flat umbilicus , Liver ribs and subacute palsy, no moving dullness, no abnormal chest and abdomen perspective, “B-super” spleen area showed a massive mass of honeycomb liquid dark area, anteroposterior diameter 14