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There was once a shopkeeperwho often said to hisfriends,“If I want anything,I canalways get it.”One night he had to go toanother town to buy some thingsfor his shop.When he went intothe station,he had to wait sometime for his train.He found aroom with some chairs in it,butit was full of people.Every chairhad someone on it,but theshopkeeper did not want to standup.He saw a bag near one of themen who was sitting down.Hecould see the name of a town onthe bag.The town was Fretton.The man was going to Fretton.“The Fretton train has justcome into the station,”said the There was once a shopkeeperwho often said to hisfriends, “If I want anything, I canalways get it. ” One night he had to go toanother town to buy some thingsfor his shop .When he went intothe station, he had to wait sometime for his train.He found aroom with some chairs in it, butit was full of people.Every chairhad someone on it, but theshopkeeper did not want to standup.He saw a bag near one of themen who was sitting down. Hecould see the name of a town on the bag. The town was Fretton. The man was going to Fretton. “The Fretton train has justcome into the station, ” said the the
There were three steps down from the street door.Thenthe store extended,narrow and low between the book-packed wails,sixty or seventy feet to a little cubbyhol
The remains of the Roman conquest of Britain,2,000years ago,are much more than just piles of old stones—they are the foundations of modern Britain. The remain
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尽管现在还未用于航空,但一种新的个人飞行器已进入了实测阶段。未来的 SoloTrek 驾驶员可以用皮带固定在飞行器上然后腾空而起,飞至150英里远的地方。( A
目的观察国产吉西他滨单药一线治疗老年晚期非小细胞的有效性和安全性。方法对42例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者,应用吉西他滨1.0 g/m2,静脉注入,d1,8,15,停药3周后重复。至少接受2