Evaluation of SNPs in miR-196-a2, miR-27a and miR-146a as risk factors of colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w3xiaoyan
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AIM: To investigate whether selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miR-196a2, miR-27a and miR146a genes are associated with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC).METHODS: In order to investigate the effect of these SNPs in CRC, we performed a case-control study of 197 cases of sporadic CRC and 212 cancer-free controls originating from the Central-European Caucasian population using TaqMan Real-Time polymerase chain reaction and allelic discrimination analysis. RESULTS: The genotype and allele frequencies of SNPs were compared between the cases and the controls. None of the performed analysis showed any statistically significant results. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest a lack of association between rs11614913, rs895819 and rs2910164 and colorectal cancer risk in the Central-European Caucasian population, a population with an extremely high incidence of sporadic colorectal cancer. AIM: To investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miR-196a2, miR-27a and miR146a genes are associated with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: In order to investigate the effect of these SNPs in CRC, we performed a case-control study of 197 cases of sporadic CRC and 212 cancer-free controls originating from the Central-European Caucasian population using TaqMan Real-Time polymerase chain reaction and allelic discrimination analysis. RESULTS: The genotype and allele frequencies of SNPs were compared between the CONCLUSION: Our data suggest a lack of association between rs11614913, rs895819 and rs2910164 and colorectal cancer risk in the Central-European Caucasian population, a population with an extremely high incidence of incidence of sporadic colorectal cancer.
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