Sub-Atmospheric Pressure Coupled with Width Effect on Downward Flame Spread over Energy Conservation

来源 :热科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sddxfg
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Rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam,a sustainable thermosetting building facade porous polymer material,has been widely applied in the construction industry for energy conservation.Additional knowledge of the fire safety performance of PUR foam at different altitudes and sample widths is required.Comparative lab-scale experiments were conducted in the Lhasa plateau (66.5 kPa) and the Hefei plain (99.8 kPa) in China.Flame propagation characteristics (average flame spread rate and flame height) were measured at different widths and atmospheric pressures of the test locations.Experimental results show that the dependence of dimensionless flame heights on sample width shows negative power law relationships with index of-w/5.4 to-w/5.8.Both flame height and flame spread rate were lower under low ambient pressure conditions as Hf∝P0.26~0.33 and Vf ∝ P0.057~0.568.Flame spread rate decreased with increasing sample width in the convection regime before a critical width of 4 cm-8 cm,after which the flame spread rate increased in the radiation regime.Results of this study contribute to the science of combustion,fire safety and energy conservation,and provide a basis for fire safety protocols for historical heritage buildings in the Lhasa plateau.
摘 要:班主任是集体的组织者和指导者,促进学生全面健康成长的骨干力量,一名有魅力的班主任要像CEO一样,构建管理团队,创建良好班风,形成教育合力,保证每一位小学生都能够健康成长。本文大胆提出了CEO型小学班主任管理工作的管理方式,总结了CEO管理优势于班主任管理工作的可行性,并提出了具体的实施措施。  关键词:小学班级;班主任;CEO;教育合力;班级文化  现代小学生思想先进,行为独立,管理这样一
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