
来源 :中国电机工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ok_qq
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求解了线性导电、导磁中空管道外鞍形线圈通有脉冲电流时的涡流场。引入二阶矢量位,用一个标量函数来描述空气场域中的磁场,简化了求解过程。给出了模型的电磁场边值问题,得出了待定系数线性方程组,通过变量代换,降低了系数矩阵的条件数,并用分块矩阵的方法求解了此方程组。利用傅里叶变换,得到了多匝鞍形激励线圈中通有任意波形电流时检测线圈两端感应电压的解析式。通过与奥氏体不锈钢管的实验曲线对比,验证了所得解析式的正确性。所得结果可为管道脉冲涡流检测的仿真计算与实验研究提供参考。“,”This paper solved the eddy current field induced by pulse current in saddle-shaped coil outside the metal pipe with linear conductivity and permeability.By using the second order vector potential,the magnetic field in the air could be described by a single scalar function,and the calculation process could thus be simplified.We presented the boundary value problems of this electromagnetic model and obtained the linear equations for unknown coefficients.Then,we reduced the condition number of the coefficient matrix through substitution of variables and solved the linear equations by using block matrix.Based on the Fourier Transform,we obtained the analytical solution of the coil voltage induced by arbitrary waveform current in the multi-turn saddle-shaped drive coil.The analytical expressions were verified through a comparison of the theoretical curves with the experimental curves of the austenite stainless steel pipes.Results in this paper provide theoretical basis for simulation calculation and experimental study of the pulsed eddy current testing for pipes.
目的 评价白内障摘出术中后囊破裂的原因及处理方法 .方法 回顾分析 72 0例白内障囊外摘出联合后房型人工晶体植入术中 4 0例后囊破裂 ,玻璃体溢出 ,行前段玻璃体切割术联
一、病历摘要 患儿女,24天,因“左侧腰部包块24天,增大呈青紫色伴面色苍白3天”入院。患儿为第二胎第二产,足月顺产,出生体重不详。出生后即发现左侧腰部皮下有一肿块,范围
在国际上首次构建了两端非编码区完整、开放读码框架正确的庚型肝炎病毒全长基因组单个完整克隆 ,该基因组长度为 9373个碱基 ,能够在猕猴体内表达病毒蛋白质及形成病毒样颗
多数早产儿,尤其是出生体重≤1 000g者生后几周内需多次输注红细胞(RBC)以预防或治疗贫血.以往新生儿医生强调输用“新鲜血”,或直接输用父母的“热血”,本文将就早产儿RBC制
同步发电机失磁故障对电网稳定性和发电机安全运行会产生很大影响。在中国,超高压发电机(extra high voltagegenerator,EHVG)是新型的同步发电机,其失磁后对电网的影响还处于研