
来源 :吉林广播电视大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyan
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文化是影响学习和教学效果不可忽视的因素。在英语教学中,要充分理解英语和汉语的文化背景和差别,有目的性的培育学生跨语言、跨文化进行学习和理解的能力。语言的文化素养是学生学习语言必备的素养。本文认为:进行大学阶段的英语教学不但需要培育学生灵活运用语言的技巧和能力,还要帮助学生熟练运用语言进行跨文化交流的技能。 Culture is a factor that can not be neglected in learning and teaching. In English teaching, we must fully understand the cultural background and differences in English and Chinese, and aimfully cultivate students’ ability to learn and understand cross-language and intercultural communication. The cultural accomplishment of language is the necessary literacy of students to learn the language. This article argues that conducting college English teaching will not only cultivate students’ skills and abilities in using language flexibly, but also help students to skillfully use the language to communicate cross-cultural skills.
王顺彬是我数年前认识的一个人。我在读了王顺彬的诗集之后确信他是一个诗人。这不是一个诗歌当道的年代,在这个年代仍旧写诗的人是可敬的,同时也是可疑的。 Wang Shunbin i
38份材料,经人工接种抗病性鉴定,筛选出97-16(水茄 Salanum torvum Swart)砧木。该材料经人工接种鉴定,高抗茄子黄萎病(病情指数为零),嫁接不同品种接穗均表现亲和力好、抗病