Extraction of Tungsten and Molybdenum by Various Organic Compounds as Extractants

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Seventy organic compounds including various organophosphorus esters,amines and oxygen-based ligands were investigatedas extractants.The experiment results show that amines are excellent extractants for W and Mo.Their sequence of extraction abil-ity for W
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【正】 近年来,我县各蚕区桑象虫为害严重,尤以夏伐后为害最重,造成桑树整株枯死,桑园白拳成片,致使桑叶产量下降,产茧量下降,影响了蚕农养蚕积极性。根据本人在生产实践中的
1 家蚕人工饲料研究与应用回顾1.1 日本人工饲料养蚕历史与现状家蚕人工饲料是由日本发明的,从30年代起日本的平冢英吉进行过多次人工饲料养蚕试验,均告失败。1959年,吉田德
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In this paper, we report the growth of single crystals of Co<sub>x</sub> Zn<sub>1-x</sub>S and Co<sub>x</sub> Zn<sub>1-x</sub>Se (0【x【0.3) by the method of chem