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一年之计在于春,人民法院倡廉反腐要时刻警钟长鸣。2月11日,最高人民法院机关召开2014年廉洁司法教育大会。最高人民法院院长周强出席会议并讲话,最高人民法院常务副院长沈德咏主持会议,副院长江必新传达十八届中央纪委三次全会精神,中央纪委驻最高人民法院纪检组组长张建南通报机关去年查处的违纪违法案件,周强要求机关全体干警认真学习习近平总书记重要讲话和十八届中央纪委三次全会精神,警钟长鸣,严格自律,永葆清正廉洁的法官本色,切实推进最高人民法院机关党风廉政建设和反腐败工作,努力为推进平安中国、法治中国建设作出新的更大贡献。 The plan for a year lies in the spring, and the people’s court advocates corruption and corruption at all times. On February 11, the Supreme People’s Court held the 2014 Clean Judicial Education Conference. Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People’s Court, attended the meeting and made a speech. Shen Deyong, executive vice president of the Supreme People’s Court, presided over the meeting. Vice-president Jiang Bixin conveyed the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission of Discipline Inspection. Zhang Jian Nantong, head of the discipline inspection commission of the Supreme People’s Court of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Last year, the authorities reported to authorities that all police officers seriously study General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. They set themselves strict and self-discipline to maintain a clean and honest judge’s character and effectively promote the supreme people. The organs of the courts and departments work hard at improving the party’s style and the government and fighting corruption, and strive to make new and greater contributions to the construction of a peaceful China and the rule of law in China.
通过分析现阶段医院图书馆的作用和结构模式的变化,结合山西省儿童医院图书馆的实际情况,探讨了网络环境下现代医院图书馆的发展策略。 By analyzing the current role of t
原本拥有一个幸福家庭的他,在邂逅了那个大他2 0岁的女人后,生活的走向发生剧变……2015年10月22日,四川省自贡市的一家五金店里发生一起命案。年过六旬的老板娘被人发现倒在