加强河道管理 提高工程效益

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沂沭泗局骆马湖管理处新沂河灌南管理所位于江苏省灌南县长茂镇,担负着灌南县境内新沂河下游南堤的河道堤防工程管理和防汛抢险任务,管辖河道总长62公里。三中全会以来,他们牢固确立以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,积极推行承包责任制,强化工程管理,河道管理工作出现了崭新的局面。一、改革体制,加强管理队伍建设 1、改革管理体制。该所原先的机构设置较复杂,采取双重管理体制,堤防经济收入由县、乡、村实行5∶2∶3分成。这种管理方法,挫伤了堤管人员的积极性。1985年,在局、处、地方政府和有关部门的协助、支持下,将双重管理体 Yishusi Board Luoma Lake Management Office Xinyi River Guannan Management Office is located in Guanmao County, Jiangsu Province, Changmao town, responsible for Nanning Xinyi River within the embankment embankment project management and flood control and rescue tasks under the jurisdiction of the river The total length of 62 km. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Central Committee, they have firmly established themselves as the center of economic construction, adhered to reform and opening up, actively implemented the contract responsibility system, strengthened project management, and a new situation has emerged in river channel management. First, the reform of the system to strengthen the management team building 1, reform management system. The original organization set up more complex and adopt a dual management system, embankment economic income by the county, township, village practice 5: 2: 3 into. This management method dampened the enthusiasm of the embankment personnel. In 1985, with the help and support of the bureau, office, local government and relevant departments, the dual management body
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本文在分析高职教育特点及其思想政治教学问题的基础上,围绕教学生活化理念在思想政治教学中的应用原则,阐述其渗透措施。 On the basis of analyzing the characteristics